M+ Toxicity after changes is still frustrating lmao

So by no means am I a pro player, but its insane trying to climb the rating right now. Im playing my DH Tank and have 8s timed on all dungeons. A couple 9s. 1 untimed 10 missed by a little over a minute. My rating is 2300 and some change.

Now lets talk about the +8 from last night. Im queing and getting rejected from 9s on dungeons im trying increase. So i settle for a Dawn 8. The group is actually over powered. High 620s with the lowest being 2700 rating, other than me at 2300. This is the fastest ive timed the key yet too with almost 10 minutes left.

1 of the DPS the key holder is pulling extra mobs. I ask him to stop because the monk healer was struggling with me. I lost Meta and my anti-deathblow talent on the 1st trash pack. So yea im pulling slower now until they come off CD. He replies pull more mobs. Then on the 3rd mini-guy before 2nd boss. I pull the pack in front of mini-boss only because I have CDs down again. The key holder pulls the mini boss im struggling to survive. Mini-boss casts the orb thing that is supposed to go down the street. Well 3 people stand in the puddle and die from the dot. They fly back. My CDs come up so im gonna survive now. Another orb goes out, straight into a wall. Wipes the group except for me. They fly back and do it right, we kill it.

Well here we are with no big defensive CDs again. So im clearing the boss arena near the fountain slowy.

Key holder again “pull more mobs”.

I said “i was invited for tank please just let me pull.”

He replies “i have a higher tank io than you”.

So i say “cool then you que for tank next time.”

Start 2nd boss. 1st orb straight into the fountain kills 1 player. Like wtf? I havnt died once. Our only deaths are from all of you failing the orb mechanic. But my tank speed is the issue.

We finished with 9 1/2 minutes left. Could have been 12 minutes if mechanics were followed instead of trying to pull more for the tank cuz he is too slow.

Again i was 400 or more io below all 4 other players. How do these people attain these ios?
Its like all IO means is that you werent bad enough to hold the rest of a group back from timing keys. And then people get a big head with statements like “my io is higher” when it means absolutely nothing. We need a system that discourages these people from PUGing. If you want to make extra rules for your key then go post somewhere looking for like minded people for that group. My pace can time the content we can see that. It doesnt need to be a world record sub 10 minute +8 run. Nobody cares about fast +8 runs anyway. Lets just time it and keep repairs cheap and take the safe route.

Its like people in traffic. Why risk lives to get to your destination 30 seconds faster?


8-10 is the idiot range. You have people that know their rotation and nothing else. So they think they’re good players because they can put up an okay number on Details, but in reality, they’re bad. And they will never progress past that point, aside from being carried by 4 other people FAR better than them, because they think they’re too good for criticism and will blame everyone else for their shortfalls.

It’s called The Dunning-Kruger effect.


From a cynical perspective that’s all it can ever be, for it and any other form of rating or achievement in group content.
As long as the person in question doesn’t bring down the rest of the group, they achieve the same thing as others who mechanically or otherwise contributed more.


You’re doing trivial content and playing as if it’s serious business.

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It’s peak dps player brain is why

It’s not my fault we screwed the mechanic up constantly, it’s clearly the tank


This. IO as a measure really means nothing more than “found way into good groups and didn’t hold them back enough to fail” at its most basic level.


I think my post says the opposite. I just want to do the content easy and finish. I dont want to try and get a world record time and definitely dont want to be pestered when we are still completing with almost 10 minutes left.

Its like people being toxic to team mates in Comp Overwatch even when they are winning. Like why?


That’s why people pull stuff as not the tank because they know it’s ridiculously easy.

I find that the more time you have in a key the more likely someone is to find the time to be a chud. The worst toxicity usually comes in keys that are on time surprisingly. Doing fine but not perfect somehow brings out worse attitudes than just flat out failing.

This leads me to believe that there really isn’t a way to “fix” M+ toxicity. Someone is always going to find something to nitpick worse than they need to.


Weird its like nothing was read in my post and someone came to argue.

If it was so easy then why are they all dying to things i knew to avoid?

Just read, process, think, and then speak.


Just gotta grind through the dopes and you’ll eventually get there.

BG Blitz/PvP is the exact same in terms of player behavior.

Higher rating folks blame everyone else on their team whenever they lose.

Whether or not it’s true, it’s a team game. Those that work better with others will generally win more.

But folks would rather butt heads over who’s score is better lol.


You’d think these were solo modes with the way people pump themselves up over the number they were partially (in virtually every case) carried to.


My buddy and I (resto shaman and prot paladin respectively) decided to give a M0 Dawnbreaker a go to get used to the dungeon, as they had just returned after not playing since mid-DF. All of the dps did mediocre damage, one kept getting lost, none of them spoke English, and they all died multiple times to every boss, to the point that we just abandoned it altogether on the last boss

The real kicker was the warlock with the keystone master mount. Never in my life have a sign a more blatant case of “I bought this and do not deserve it one bit”

Moral of the story: M+ is just not worth doing without a premade group. Randoms will always be unreasonably elitist, or should have been filtered by leveling if the leveling would actually do its job


Like the multitudes of tanks that see the group doing perfectly fine halfway through and decide to start pulling like they’re in MDI and wipe three times in a row.


When this happens I usually just pull more and let us wipe. Let them learn the hard way.

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Because it’s trivial stuff so people don’t pay that much attention to mechanics.

When farming +2 keys in DF season 1 for valor. we pulled basically the all the trash to the boss. Sure, sometimes we wiped because it was 10+ packs, but it’s no big deal. The entire thing done in like less than 10 mins.

And you finished it with 9 mins to spare lol… Who cares.

Again if it’s trivial content, people will pull for tanks.

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Only fix for that is DO NOT PUG repeat after me DO NOT PUG.
When you play with steady group of people with similar mindset and skill you can steadily work toward a set goal M+ becomes fun.


Every post about M+ this lizard responds in a toxic way. Just add him to your ignore list.


People do be dumb brah dont let it get to ya, push ur own key and get those 10s timed and 2500 you got this. Also instead of just basing people on the io score look at how many dungeons they timed at 10 or higher. Getting to 2500 only requires a hand full of timed keys better to judge a player on how many timed keys they have thats a better metric of experience.


I find it interesting that the most toxic environments seem to be TW, leveling dungeons, low lvl m+