M+ tanking, should I roll bear?

Since I would rather be die by torture in a Bronze Bull than do PvP at this point, I’m gong to PvE tank.
Last time I tanked M+ successfully it was on bear, I was doing 15-16s, it was during shadowlands, i would equip the sleeper legendary, pop incarn and do massive pulls provided everyone had their DPS CDs up.
I remember Bear being alot of fun, is it still chill or does it suck to play now? What’s the style like?

No…I probably wouldn’t do Shadowlands Type Pulls.

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It’s great for exactly that as long as you don’t want to push the very, very top keys where only prot pally and prot warrior are taken.

The biggest issue with it is it is incredibly squishy going into pulls so just make sure you’re pressing barkskin or beam before the mobs hit you. And don’t use Wowhead’s after the wildfire build.

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Bear is not doing as well as we would all like right now. It isn’t horrible, and can do most of the content, but it is a bit harder than other tanks. Our talent tree is in dire need of help and one of our hero trees needs work.

Bear is still fun, and unless you’re trying to go super high in keys it works just fine, however the giant pulls you’re remembering don’t really happen anymore. Between tank nerfs, CC nerfs, and huge damage the instances put out, you really cannot do giant pulls anymore unless you massivel outgear the content.


How does it feel to play? I remember I used to be able to just spam thrash, unlimited rage

If you really love the play style, you’ll likely to bear even if it’s not ideal. It’s not ideal.

Bear isn’t in a bad place right now, but it’s not great either. If you’re just starting and looking for a good spec to play, Warrior seems better for this expansion. I’m doing both. Looks to me like warrior will out pace bear this time.

That was before rage generation from thrash was capped. Doc is less fun and not competitive, EC is more competitive but less fun. It’s still a good class, it’s still fun, but the tree needs some work and it’s not the strongest tank spec.

Keep in mind this season is tuned much harder than DF so you’re starting at a higher difficulty. But unless your pushing rating past 12s for the sake of pushing rating, bears are fine. Just save a CD for magic damage tank-busters. Threat can also be an issue with instant pumpers at the very start of pulls. I expect the next season to be much better for bears as secondaries and health pools get a big boost.

During Incarn you are definitely playing very similarly to what you remember, with slightly less infinite rage, but the playstyle is the same.

Unfortunately, we don’t get Incarn up as often due to less rage and less CDR for the rage we spend. Our talents are incredibly restrictive and they aren’t as well built as other tanks.

We could catch up very easily, so fingers crossed for TWW S2, but for now it is just surviving til then.



Same amount of casts (roughly, .5 casts per minute on average) for both. But TWW is still in S1 with lower secondaries. I bet we hit .7-.8 casts per minute once we get to S3-ish

The playstyle is still there, you just have to spend the rage. Problem being, ToI damage caps out at like 4-5 stacks, and you can easily push 13-15 stacks of IF during Incarn if you so choose

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