I am curious if there is a reason why the M+ .1% title put all players in the same bucket when the PVP version of the title gives it to the top .1% of each spec.
It seems to be that “non-meta” classes would see more play in higher level keys if this were the case. At the moment there are two specs in the game who have zero people qualified for the title (Beast Master and Devastation). There are quite a few others who have less than 5 people qualified. Meanwhile, enhance Shaman has 176 players currently qualified. The #1 BM hunter in the region is not qualified for the title but the #176 enhance shaman is.
This feels a little backwards to me. I’d love to see blizard look at moving to more of a path that pvp does where every single spec is guaranteed representation instead of 96% of the titles being given to the same 5/6 specs while others get nothing.
The 3v3 and RBG titles work the same as M+, only the queued versions of rated PVP (RSS and BGB) separate R1 by specs. But I do agree that spec specific titles could be good for M+.
If titles became spec specific, do you think it would change the people who are getting title?
Or would they just get title on different specs?
I would imagine it would be 3 things.
Probably some bored MDI Chads playing ‘their original mains’ before rerolling became a necessity for them (or maybe something they think is cool), probably some really great players who only play one thing and just don’t always hit the meta lottery every season, and probably a little bit of whales paying thousands of real world dollars for the best players on the planet to 4 man carry them to R1 on burner accounts.
I don’t say this stuff with delusion that it will somehow open the flood gates for 2800 players to suddenly get R1 titles, I realize that only the best players (for the most part) will be getting rewards, but I do think some deserving people who aren’t into rerolling will get some shots they wouldn’t have in previous seasons and that alone is worth the trouble, IMO. I don’t just argue for the sake of mediocre players, I want everyone to prosper.
Maybe, it would be interesting.
I could see a major feels bad complaints when someone is timing 18s on their mage and they lose rank 1 title to someone timing 15s on their WW monk.
Although I do think it’ll turn into a lot of “busy” work where teams run 4 meta + 1 off meta to make sure they get title.
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I also think there could be some value to breaking the stigma some. People are pushing keys harder in off meta specs and that may impact the perception of those specs to the point you don’t sit in LFG forever as an off meta spec unless you are extremely overqualified for the key.
The whales will always get title, because it’s how a lot of M+ teams make gold to pay for the next season.
This would be the biggest one. You would see a lot of one tricks like me achieve title. Not saying that’s good or bad, just saying I would benefit from this change.
Maybe. I think the M+ changes in season 2 should help that to a decent extent. At least once past the 12 threshold.
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I think it would be good. When people get something over, and over, and over again it means nothing to them, it just becomes something you expect to get. My first KSM mount, KSH, Duelist, etc. I was STOKED. Now? Who cares, more junk for the attic.
But a rank 1 to someone who has stuck it out season after season and had missed the ability to climb the last couple steps due to tuning? If even only a few handfuls of new people get that experience I want them to have it, both because they deserve it and because I think it’s good for game health when people hit new milestones.
Well, this may sound odd, but I don’t care about title. I’ve never gotten it, but I’ve seen too many people purchase it or straight get carried to it. It really doesn’t mean anything. The only title, or what not that can’t be bought is RWF. Even that is sorta in question at time. There is nothing in this game that is sacred or exclusive.
Maybe I’m just being a negative Nancy though.
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I’m not even sure how the pvp titles work to be honest. I do like the idea of having spec based titles.
However for the most part in M+ those titles would still all go to the same people, they would just play alts. These guys are not at the top just because they play meta, they play better than you or me on our non-meta mains anyway.
Instead of seeing 176 enhance shaman who ignore hunter, you would see the same 176 enhance shaman also play a hunter to get the title on that class as well, roughly, some exceptions here and there.
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