M+ resto feels bad

For someone who doesnt think we are a hot class, you sure do cast a lot of hots lol! Rejuv is #1 in most of your fights with waaaaay more casts than anything else. Once those fights are on farm, those 100+ rejuvs are more likely to get clipped by other healers unless y’allmake a healer or two go dps…

Everyones situation is different. Healing numbers are reliant on what other people are doing like standing in bad, if your co-healers are super competitive or not, or too many or too few healers for the raid size ect.

If you feel mana is fine- great! If you think everything is superawesomecool - you go boy!
But us that have feelings of being less powerful/impactful are valid feelings as well and apparently common since 10.2.

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Less powerful for sure, but rdruid right now is not weak by any means. If people use RWF as an indicator of spec strength then they are looking at the wrong things.

The reality is that rdruid is actually in a very very solid state compared to last tier. The problem is that, in all PVE aspects of the game right now, if you fall behind for any reason you are permanently behind, because by the timey ou catch up, the next window has hit.

People have opinions because they don’t know what to look at, and while it’s fine to express something due to experience, most of the time the experiences are incorrect.

Rdruid feels pretty good rn. I just think regrowth should be buffed tbh or the hot part. :cloud_with_rain: feels insanely weak for the mana cost.


Rdruid mana always worked because I could stack tons of haste and innervate spam rejuv into flourish and have double rejuv on the entire raid for almost no mana and have completely free regrowths to spam after.

Since blizz decided to just destroy an entire healing playstyle for no reason they didn’t really make up for it.

Trees require tier to be good. I did the math against my rshaman and healing stream totem and trees are almost exactly the same strength WITH druid tier lol. (I calculated spellpower coefficients and talents)

They should include regrowth hot to count towards Abundance stacks and have a chance to spread with the rejuv spread talent. And maybe also have regrowth hot work with ironbark talent and extended duration when over healing.

At least it would slightly make up for the nerfs to those talents. And fosters rdruid blanketing more fluff hots that boost mastery for nourish

I’d be ok with that cuz rn its tree or die literally. Flourish feels so weak. :cloud_with_rain:

It didn’t take me long to figure out how bad Resto Druid is without 4 piece. It’s actually dumpster fire tier without it.

I wanna go back to not having tier in the game honestly. Blizzard can’t handle tier, they just completely balance around it to the point where you can FEEL when you don’t have it, it’s almost crippling.

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rdruid is borderline broken in m+

if you are struggling consistantly its a skill issue 100%

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Personally, I’m loving that damage actually feels good now for all the work that is put into it. My druid is only 440-ish and Ferocious Bite is critting over 320k; and with Treants castable in Cat Form, it feels really good for QoL. I haven’t done high enough keys this season to have to worry about heal checks yet, though, so no perspective from that regard.

I have been pugging mostly 15ish keys and ive kinda given up on letting my trees do the work while I dps. With the two hander leggo it seems that all groups are just melee dps and they get clipped by EVERYTHING. One hit is like half their health gone so I have to react quick before they get clipped again.

Well, looks like Resto is getting a +3% blanket healing buff tomorrow.

Its a very small buff and wont make much of a difference. Our mana costs needs to be looked at.

Heck if they fixed our mana issues, it would mainly help our raid performance and not really effect m+ performance.

yeah i got hang of using the new skill so now it flowing nicely

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feels easier than ever to me, though raid is a different story.

every resto druid i’ve talked to who has issues in keys who provided logs uses rejuv too much, so probably you can start by trying to use almost anything else to heal with first to improve your play.

Focus on:

  1. adapative swarm uptime
  2. lifebloom uptime
  3. using trees – never let a 3 stack sit unused. Blow more than 1 if you need to to respond to damage, or if you want to keep DPSing while they heal.
  4. using clearcast regrowth procs – the 4 set nourish heals for a TON. Even if no one is damaged, you can get 3 free regrowth out of a single proc if you have 2x lifeblooms out and regrowth a third person, and they are great to swiftmend off of.
  5. Keep efflorescence down and hopefully your group actually stands in it.

Also don’t be afraid to move your lifebloom around. Generally – should have one on yourself for AOE damage, but i often switch it to 2 dps if say, both of them get a single target dot or debuff that can’t be dispelled.

after you got that down, do that but also fit in as much time in cat dpsing as you can, and use those trees and sometimes prehot before going cat so you can hopefully stay in at least long enough to drain the entire energy bar.

I could see this. Rejuvenation is not a spell you should use often and is very situational.

Typically the only time I’m casting it on everyone is if there is going to be heavy unavoidable aoe damage (example: chromie soak).

And even then I always try to pair it up with innervate because it’s mana inefficient.

I know I usually only rejuv between pulls or to help counter a DOT I can’t cleanse. If i notice a particular dpser who takes more damage, I may keep a rejuv on them, but mostly just to have SM ready for them.

Definitely move lifebloom around.

I mean I just slum it up in LFR nowadays. But yeah resto feels not super great right now which sucks because I kind of like the tool kit.

I noticed since the changes that no matter how ham I go it’s hard for me to break past like 80K but my shaman that just got to 70 last week can do it pretty easily.

So I recently came back Druid healing, my last time really doing it was BfA. Here’s what I learned that super charged my healing. I went from struggling in 20’s to carrying. This is specifically for keys.

  1. Don’t discount the power of verdancy. Always have efflorescence and 2 life blooms out. Always. I find verdancy can often carry medium to high group healing by itself.

  2. Rejuv is not a heavy hitter anymore. Kinda weak. Use it to fish for verdancy procs, or to ramp for high group damage as a last layer.

  3. Soul of the Forest is like a free ramp. Swiftmend and use on wild growth almost exclusively.

  4. Regrowth machine gun with the 4pc for spot heals. It’s pretty decent chunk, keeps free hots up on the Lifebloom targets, and it can cleave with clear casting.

  5. Don’t sleep on trees. They are insane and OGCD. Send them a lot. Always be pressing trees.

  6. You basically don’t have cooldowns. Flourish is kinda meh, and you shouldn’t run tranq in the dungeon build. Trees are your cooldowns, and they’re good for it.

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