M+ Rating System

Can someone explain to me how this new scoring system works? Here’s my confusion:

Week 1 of Season 2, I did a DOS 13, and didn’t time it (lol I’m bg ez). I got a score of 0, which I did not question at the time.

Week 2 of Season 2, I did a DOS 15, and didn’t time it (lol cause I’m still so bg ez). I got a score of 178.

Is that my score of the two runs added together? So the 178 is JUST the fortified week, and it’s plus the 0 from the tyrranical week? How are scores calculated?

Based on my vague understanding, I would need a 125 score per dungeon per week. Or 250 total per dungeon. Is that right?

In vaguely related question: did the key system change? In the sense that after I did my untimed 13 in week one, I got that 15 for week 2. I don’t think I earned that, but hey, ez pz GV with a near timing.

that doesn’t sound right, unless you missed timing it by like 2 hours or something. one of the major changes in s2 is that you could theoretically get KSM without ever timing a single key

that’s not how it’s supposed to be working. there was a hiccup with the key transition from s1 to s2. the idea was that keys were lowered by 3 during the switch. so the first week the system saw your failed s2 13 as a failed s1 16 and gave you a -1 from that, resulting in a 15.

anyway, the scoring system now gives you X points for your best run (either tyrannical or fortified) and some fraction of X points for your best run under the other affix. so for example if your best fortified dos is a 15 and your best tyrannical dos is a 12, you might get 150 points (15x10) for the fortified and 60 points for the tyrannical (12x10x50%). your total score for dos is 210. those are made up numbers but that’s the basic idea.

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This explains it briefly but you will only get max loot from a max level keystone (15) and your score is now a combined version of your fort and tyrannical keystones.

Lol yes, we were over by like 20 minutes. We were just derping around checking out the new tormented affix and having a good time.

Aight, thanks, that clears it up a bunch! I also didn’t realize it was possible to get KSM without timing any keys. Rather interesting change to be honest, makes it nice and ez pz no stress. Your formulas are very handy dandy.

I appreciate the link! Gives a lot of further insight. Thanks as well!

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40% over is the threshold. In a 30m dungeon it only takes 12m extra to get 0. Considering we’re talking about a 43m dungeon, he took 1hr to get it done at least.

Checks out. 43+20 > 60.

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