M+ Keystone Small Changes

Moved from General Forum to Dungeons Forum

I had some thoughts on how we could see improvements for the M+ Keystone system while keeping the changes small and easy to implement. I’ll keep this short and sweet:

1. Change the Mythic Keystone to baseline work in any dungeon

  • This allows people who want to spam a specific dungeon for specific loot the option to do so easily, without hunting for or buying keys from other players that they might not want to play with

2. Allow players to select the keystone level attempt at the dungeon keystone UI (up to the players current keystone level)

  • QoL update

3. Add an additional % chance (~20-30?) for an extra loot item drop to the group chest upon using the players key in a specific dungeon, which would be notated on the keystone (regardless of keystone level)

  • This incentivizes dungeon variety by adding a small chance at additional loot to drop if you choose to complete the dungeon that the keystone is “affiliated” with. As an example, on live you are guaranteed 2 pieces of loot when completing a keystone (ignoring ilvl). Running a keystone with it’s corresponding “affiliated” dungeon would net you a 20-30% chance at a 3rd piece of loot from the chest at the end.

To summarize, you’d baseline change all keystones to not be locked to a specific dungeon, but they would still be “affiliated” with one to incentivize players to choose those dungeons to complete (where they would get a new keystone with a new “affiliated” dungeon).

I believe these changes would be relatively straightforward to understand from a community perspective, and hope that it would allow more player choice when running Mythic Plus, allowing for a greater freedom of play.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, all feedback welcome. :slight_smile:

Blizzard has already been openly against this idea. They specifically do not want people to farm the same dungeon over and over.

So if I have a +20 key I can select anything from +2 to +20, but not higher? I would be okay with that.

40% +2-15 and 60% for +16 and up feels like enough. If they adjust it they would have to do balancing for raid and pvp.


Part of blizz’s goal is to design ways that gets players to play with others. While being able to just run whatever you want sounds great, what this will mean in practice is: “If you want to run m+ you need a dedicated group because there are no more pugs.”

The key system requires people to seek out others that have a key they want. If you can just hit dungeons you want, at the level you want . . . everyone who has the ability to play in a coordinated group will do so and the bottom will fall out of the system (I know I would stop pugging).

And if you want to create more elitism, this is a good way to do it. You can be a lousy player with a key people want to run, so they’ll take you/join your group. If people can run what they want, no one will run with you again. I don’t think you realize how many players fall into this category, it would kill dungeon running for a huge swathe of the playerbase.