WoW has an impressive amount of people with natural skill, but everyone is still chasing ilvls, upping APs, and doing hoops for flying, etc.
Maybe not at the start, but definitely by the end the content on all levels by all players should be on farm. Of course, this is true for some all the time, but the majority are forever left behind not being meta and BiS long enough to “enjoy” the game.
You do realize that in WoD we were fully BiS geared in Ashran in a week right? I then was able to make Alts gear them I had toons on Ally and Horde. Xferred my main to Ally to compete in Arena and enjoy BGs. I was able to quickly complete the content then enjoy the activities I loved.
Ashran which was fun and casual content had the BiS gear. It was amazing, I could do what I loved and get BiS. What a novelty and good design.
It’s okay if people complete content and they get geared so they then can enjoy the activities they want to farm or do with people. People will finally be able to play the game!! It’s a shame if being able to play the game and enjoy it never comes and it’s gated behind the hamster wheel.
I’ve been in SL for about 2 months and haven’t been able to play the game yet, just mindless grinding waiting for the day the fun starts where you can just play.
The answer is what they’re not telling us which means subs are up or holding steady.
Maybe they figure to hold the old timers hostage with sunk cost until we snap or witness a surge of new players who enjoy the mobile World of Candy Crush
It is brilliant on the part of ActiBlizz to do so little to get it’s customers to do so much, that is brilliant from a marketing standpoint. They don’t have to create more instances, just make 8 or 10 of them, which are repeatable of course, then scale them up, add some rotating debuffs and better loot. Oh, and throw a timer in there in an attempt to make an esport out of it even though an MMORPG is not suited to be an esport. Viola! We have reinvented the hamster wheel. But then, every instance is part of that hamster wheel to some extent, isn’t it?
If you like this, good for you, and I really mean that. If you like that kind of thing, to each their own. I tried m+ when it was first implemented, didn’t like it and haven’t done them since.
If m+ were like the Icecrown instances, harder instances with better rewards, perhaps with the ability to scale them up to get even better rewards, but definitely without any element of competition in them, I’d like them a lot better and would definitely be doing them. It doesn’t really matter what we think though, because ActiBlizz doesn’t listen to our feedback unless it agrees with their goals, and their goals are to make money in any way they can.
No one is required to do M+ though. Ever. It’s not forced. At no point do you ‘have’ to do any M+ content unless you want to. I should know, most of my characters do not do M+ content at all.
If you want to look at forced content, well that would be your renown gains, because so much content is tied to that one system in this expansion, including upgrading the ilvl of your PvP gear. So if you just play WoW for the PvP, well you’re also going to need to farm renown from various sources, which means forcing yourself to do PvE content and questing, because unless you do those it’s going to take a while to catch up and be able to unlock those PvP ilvl upgrades.
End of the day, content is content. If it’s something you can do in the game, it’s content. If it was added specifically to the game in an expansion or a patch, then it’s content.
In the next major patch when Blizzard splits Tazavesh into two heroic dungeons and adds M+ to it, that will be content.
Ok but then we never have the gear progression for the content or activities we want to do. So we are forced to do M+ Arena and higher raids for that gear. We are tied to grinding horrendous systems for conduit upgrades and sockets. When do we get to play the game and have fun? How many months does it take? This is a problem.
Let address the problems with solutions. Which I have been doing. I’d gladly take the gearing in WoD again where I could just quickly get BiS and then finally enjoy and play the game.
Players shouldn’t have to jump through months of hoops and obstacles just to make a build they want to play with some friends. That is bad design.
Sure it is. You need to do it for your weekly vault to get gear. You also need to get items in there to make upgrading easier. M+ is forced just like Arena is forced. Unless you can direct us too where we can get some 246 gear outside of M+ and Arena.
The fact is if M+ and Arena didn’t reward higher item level gear then it wouldn’t be forced. It would just be for competition purposes which is fine if people enjoy that activity. If there was no weekly vault then players wouldn’t be forced to run in this spiked treadmill in pain. They could just get gear then play the game how they want. It might actually be fun.
Just a trash player who cant do mythic plus or raid so he wants more welfare gear and he will call in content. Nothing to see here folks this dude makes the same thread every week.
You’re right OP but the ADHD riddle addicts who lie to themselves about enjoying the GOGOGOGO GOTTA BEAT THE TIMER GOTTA GET A BETTER SCORE NEEEEEEED GOGOGO mythic plus system will argue until they’re blue in the face that it is content
You put it perfectly. It’s not content, it’s a hamster wheel. The hamsters who are blind to the wheel will say things like “but I enjoy it” “but it is content” “but infinitely scaling difficulty is peak WoW” because they are still caught in the matrix
And those people, that hugely vocal minority, will forever keep WoW on the path to self destruction with their demands for more ADHD coke drug game mechanics to silence their overactive minds, and blizzard will listen
I’m fairly confident you assume too much and have nothing interesting to say on topic about the problems presented or the solutions. We can improve the game together and I offer my help to the Devs and Blizz to fix the game from it’s drastic decline. There are plenty of people that agree with this thread and want to desperately fix the game they love.
Why is it so hard for people like you to just be honest. you dont like rated pvp or mythic+ because you get left out. It’s that simple. Why do you turn it into this big thing, when it’s really just that simple. You dont want to be vetted by other players.
Pretty much this. OP is bad at game and feels bad because good players don’t want to play with him. Basically a sub-200 comment thread giving far too much attention to a bad player who’s whining about being bad.
Once m+ dungeons are eliminated (in his ridiculous mind), he’ll complain that there are higher difficulties than normal raids.