Any other Hunters finding it tough to get into M+ runs? I’ve been applying to keys I am more than qualified for and am constantly sitting there while my applications expire. I know Hunters aren’t meta, but damn.
I think it is one of a few things at play.
Players need people with VASTLY HIGHER IO TO CARRY THEM.
Hunter in group already
Need Rogue still
Short on short kicks
Am I missing something?
m+ pug life they will wait all day for meta classes so they can do their speed run for the rng lootbox.
I’ve seen some people list the same key 5 days in a row. Must be spending 30 hours forming a group. Crazy.
thye want the perfect meta group.
As dps just form your own group. There are so many dps applying you have to have a really high ilvl or io score.
Forming your own groups is much more viable at the key level you play at (3-9) than it is at higher keys.
If you list keys at 17-18 you are mostly overrun with 1300-1500 people with half of their scores out of time. Fewer people to play with etc.
Besides, this isn’t about basics of M+, this is directly about Hunters and if it is a widespread issue pugging higher keys. Your obvious answer helped not at all.
It’s a pug. You’re going to either be one of many dps applying or need to form your own group and get btags.
It doesn’t matter what m+ lvl you toss in lfg, it’s going to be many dps hitting that sign up button. It’s not like BM lacks things to bring to 5 mans. Plenty of utility and AoE dmg.
Same as any other dps, form your own groups, get tags, play with them.
You have to blame Blizzard on their class design when it come to hunter. Right now I think every other class that can dps are do thing better in a high mythic plus than a hunter.
As a hunter main, I also have a hunter bias when forming my own pug mythic plus on my alt tank. You not missing anything when it just poor class design/synergy as a hunter in a mythic plus.
Eh, BM has a lot going for it.
- Lust
- Purge rage
- FD or turtle some mechanics
- MD on skittish
- 100% mobile ranged
- Solid cleave while dps the priority target
- FD + Camo skip
- Decent survival for ranged dps
So it’s not a bad pick by any means for the ranged slot. I’d put them with elemental, fire for ranged picks.
My raider io right now is 878 at ilevel 435. I only did 1 successful M+10 with lots of successful M+9… still progressing.
If I look for M+10 key invites, it would be a bit hard to find but I could find it if I would be patient.
If I look for M+9, I get faster invites.
If I look for M+8, I get invited almost immediately.
I do my best to do 1 M+ per day… Hope I could get a +10 once a week. Most of my time right now is in Classic.
This is indeed a widespread issue, but it has nothing to do with being a hunter it has to be with being a DPS.
You want a way higher succes of invites for mythic+? Play a tank, because not even healers have it that much better that DPS to be honest.
I know is not what u want to hear and im not here to talk you down, but in all honestly this kind of thread you can see it in every forums with DPS complaining about the “lack of invites” when is the simple fact that DPS are a dime in a dozen.
If anything i would say the best thing you can do is add to your Bnet list the people you liked running keys with that way you get your network of contacts to push keys.
I love tanking and did it in season 1 and 2. Once I hit 2K in season 2 I began doing other things. I don’t find joy in pug tanking and all of the many friends I have made tanking are either playing Classic, unsubbed or other.
I have my Prot Warrior hanging around and I could easily push on him I just hate pugs when tanking. It gets old after several hundred runs.
Edit: Would like to point out that my Unholy DK (that only has an io of 1925) gets invited faster than my hunter. I think there is something with Hunters that might be lacking until you get to really high keys/set groups.
Unholy will get invited off Battle Rez as there are a ton of healers that won’t play as a Druid. Easily explained.
It’s not specifically about hunters though, anyone trying to pug M+ as any DPS class will experience the same thing.
It is truly hunter design. We have been poorly designed for a while now and people know that. When it comes to hunter in mythic + its all about praying to the RNGesus to get the traits in good ilvl you need to preform well too. I have 6 sets of gear (BM PvP, BM Raid, BM Mythic +, Surv PvP, and Marks PvP).
Hunter is a high skill cap (to do well) too. There’s way too many people playing hunter that do not know how to operate the class. This gives the majority a bad taste on bringing hunters because it’s a toss up on what they’ll get. Wonder how the name “huntard” came about? The class has the ability to really screw it up and suck.
It’s the same thing with rated PvP, but I’ve already ranted about that in another post.
Realistically, hunter design has been lacking, and this has been an issue since at least Legion when vulnerability was a hot topic on these forums that caused many great players to stop playing hunter.
How the lead hunter designer goes to work and thinks they are doing a fine job is beyond me. The class will get buffed for a second and a week or two later hotfixed back to a poor state. It’s like when we finally get something good the designer feign deaths the attention away and we get sent back to the bottom of the threat level.
First off when it comes to running keys over 10+ you. need. to. make. friends.
Having a group made of full pugs can be a nightmare, not to mention time consuming to make the right group that can get it done and hat is to say nothing of the communication thats needed. Pugs also rarely try to join people in discord or even wow chat.
Making your own groups can help but to cut down on frustration the most but to really push higher keys, you will need to dust off those social skills and make some friends or join a guild that actively runs mythic plus content.
Damn. I really wish I had your gear and success. You certainly seem like ya got mad m+ skillz
Hunter’s aren’t the strongest ranged AOE’er and aren’t bringing any major abilities that other classes can’t bring. And while I would personally take you any day or night in my groups, I could see how people would be concerned that “you’re slumming it in a low level key and will quit after the first wipe” and pass on you too.
Join a community and make a name for yourself. Or make a regular group. Don’t worry about the pug scene.
Had a ton from my tanking days. Almost every single one has quit or went to Classic. Obvious advice is hardly needed.
Oh then make more 
And if its so obvious then why come to the forums? Maybe looking for reassurance that the pug life is somehow more difficult on the hunter?
Maybe being a pug works out better for tanks and heals but regardless the experience as with most things that come with wow gets better with friends or premade groups.
So if you’re familiar with this concept then you shouldn’t have problem getting back out there. Wish you all the luck bruh