M+ has lost its identity


scammers out here stealin identities bros

im not the one speaking for everyone, you are. try again little fish

I don’t know what they do in FF14 I tried the game and I enjoyed it but not enough to take on a second sub. Diablo isn’t WOW. Playing solo you do you. Playing with 4 other random ppl in pug the majority of the time wall to wall pulling is a chaotic mess leading to disaster and a frustrating slow experience. That isn’t what players want and the forums have been on fire primarily since SL complaining about the pulling, pace and toxicity. So follower dungeons. Next delves. Now delves are becoming so successful players are leaving m+ to avoid the selfish, inconsiderate, toxic gameplay in pugs. So unless Blizzard stops the toxic inconsiderate selfish gameplay ppl will continue to leave m+ and avoid dungeons. They will do delves and as a result the wait times for all dungeons will increase and increase. So those players that continue to abuse others playtime with wall to wall pulling will soon have less people to abuse and longer wait times to do it.

It literally is though. Timwalking has been most popular when people could bull doze it.

I’m not debating you guy, I’m informing you.

The high influence from high end players made m+ worse


Blizzard seems to want to promote the interdynamics of group team play more and the relationship between tank and healer. I’m guessing it’s harder to do this when you can mass pull and tons of abilities are going off and seem trivial.

I understand. But you’re wrong. Not only have these forums been very active about this topic with multiple posts per week it really picks up during a time walking week. Also follower dungeons and delves were created specifically to give casual/normal players an avenue besides being forced to group with a selfish, inconsiderate, toxic wall to wall puller.

Furthermore in pugs between normal, heroic, lfr/n and M+0-5 it is more efficient (faster) to make common sense proximity pulls based off of layout and mob placement than it is to pull wall to wall. When you get +6 and higher than you are playing with more than a normal/casual level player and players will be like minded and they communicate more in fear of leavers and bricking a key.

I’m not debating you. I’m informing you.

I think that’s true about a lot of things in this game. The reason classic raiding was so popular is because you don’t have to read an essay before starting boss encounters. You just go in and fight the bosses with a group of like-minded people and have a good time.

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