now recruiting for our LATE NIGHT Core Raid Team. Tuesdays, Midnight EST start. 2 Soft Rez system, +1 SR to douses, BoE’s to core raiders. Recruiting WARLOCK, RSHAM, ELE, ENH, MAGE, LOCK, HUNTER, ROGUE, WARRIOR, PRIEST, RDRUID and 1 PROT. 10/10 MC players who already have BiS leading raid team
No hierarchy or favoritism, just clean dispersion of loot based on tried & true systems.
Core players are willing to help you dungeon farm your pre-bis and bis items, along with honor and rep grinds
Fast clears and easy gear for quality of life
Rare raid time slot for most players: 12am EST/ 10pm ST
Bi-Monthly Class Bonus: Feeling left behind on gearing from bad rolls? Every 4-8 weeks (based on drop rates) your class players will discuss who’s getting left behind and we will adjust to 1 GUARANTEED piece of loot as a hybrid catch-up mechanic to ensure no one falls off the meters compared to their peers. This system will be an open-involvement discussion that is exclusive to your individual class within the raid group, and can be adjusted in timing by necessity by you and your other classmates.
We are active in WPVP and BGs as well as the end-game dungeons, and are happy to share our professions to benefit all members of the guild. We do also run voluntary farm sessions of various design to help cover the cost of repairs, consumables, and other character improvements.
WSP: Ovrdosdghost, Boxing, or Screwclamp in-game for more information, or respond here/ in DMs
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.