M+ difficulty is just too much

+6 and +7 already feel overtuned, I have no idea how you’ll be expected to do +15s, you’ll have to be fully geared and also be full of people that are skilled enough to do Mythic Raids. Just too much damage, a great deal of which is unavoidable in this season for some reason, everything has infinitely too much health, there’s TONS of area denial making everything significantly harder for tanks and melee, the affixes are horrible like there’s one that just punishes you even more for dying making a single wipe brick the key? WHY? Also why does Tyrannical and Fortified still exist? Seriously they add nothing but frustration to the game just get rid of them already ffs. Every TWW dungeon feels like a damn raid, many have straight up raid mechanics in them and many bosses are more challenging than the Heroic Raid bosses, and they’re just way too mechanically challenging for 5 man content, if I want the challenge of a raid boss I’ll do a raid. Just go look at Rasha’ Nan, Master Machinists, or Fangs of the Queen as quick examples off the top of my head and tell me how it’s okay for a 5 man dungeon boss to have an entire essay worth of mechanics. It’s just too much, every boss in TWW dungeons are overdesigned to all hell for no reason, and everything including past expansion dungeons are seriously overtuned. Please just tone it down, stop catering to the top 5% of the best players in the game because it’s hurting the experience for everyone else.


And here I am enjoying tf out of m+ because it isnt brain dead easy.


I agree the massive hardstop that you have after having nothing to gear and no way to climb for gear is insane, you have to just do a massive gear jump with no consistent way to get runed crests. The only options you have a getting lucky on a delvers bounty map, doing m+ 7s which most people arent doing right now or the heroic raid. All of these which give insane gear jumps, heroic raid ironically being the easiest one of the 3 with only a chance to get any gear.


It feels that they really just shifted it to the Elitist No Lifer Style of gameplay. I am mid to hardcore player and these dungos are cranked to 11 for no reason at all. The health and damage gap compared to m0 is nutz. And not to mention some of these undodgeable mechanics do so much damage that my dps cant even survive it


Will kill pugs. Maybe its their goal that players buy boosts and tokens. I got my KSM and will unsub as this was the only thing I wanted. Usually I do pugs in my freetime just for fun but its not possible atm. So cya in S2


yes, correct, that is the idea. there is no expectation that everyone be able to time +15s this week.


Its Week 1 of M+ the seasons are like 5 or 6 months? Why do people want everything immediately?

Take the time, get the gear, learn the mechanics, and you’re good to go.

Or cry that you cant do +15s the first week M+ were released.


I at least want to do 7s, they made gearing such an eternally slow slog fest that it makes the game boring. I should be able to gear at the pace I would like too.

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what would be the point of getting KSM JUST to unsub?? LOL

The max vault is from a +10. Anything beyond that is for competitive score. You will never be “expected” to do +15’s because you won’t be able to do them. Ever. Especially with the changes to scaling at +11 and up.

I’ll go as far to say I would be shocked if more then a handful of players will be able to do 13’s or 14’s when it’s all said and done. The scaling has changed substantially for good reason in my opinion.

A lot of players are pugging and multi chesting 7’s (and in some cases higher) with current ilevel and no tier. You get what you earn. If you could do 7’s, those players would be doing the same in 10’s 11’s and 12’s and you would be complaining you can’t do those. Not a dig at you, I’m sure there is room for improvement and if you keep playing I’m sure you will. M+ is farmable content, and you have a bunch of gear that is not upgraded normal raid gear. You have a lot to look forward to. Focus on winning

people are already putting up 11s and 12s and the season is 4 days old. i promise people will be going much higher than 14s a couple months from now.


There are 25 players in the world with an 11 and a single 12 mists done. I think you should read up on the scaling change. A 1 key jump after 11 is insane. Looking forward to seeing how this ages but hey I could be wrong!

we go through this every expansion. people forget what early keys are like every single time. it’s always “everything is overtuned! these dungeons are mathematically impossible!” until a few weeks pass, then we’re back to “lol m+ is a joke, welfare gear” and so on.

what happens at +15? reward caps at 10.

Isn’t that how it should be? M+ is not a mode where any one should go into and walk out at the top.

You also don’t seem to know that +10 is the top of the gear rewards, not +15.

Alot of people who are pushing higher keys right now are really geared. More than likely mythic raiders or people who were extremely lucky with loot from heroic raid/delves. Item level makes a huge difference and makes certain dungeon mechanics trivial depending on the key level you are doing.


From reading some forum posts addressing the difficulty, it seems people want higher keys without putting in the grind to actually get there.

I just started doing 7s on my 610 bear on Sunday after spending too many hours on the weekend to get gear, upgrade gear, make consumables and enchants, learn the routes, etc.

I understand people want to do challenging stuff and that is fine, but you also have to be able to do the challenging stuff.

Or, here me out the reward structure and having no room to progress made people mad. But sure, the icky bad players who cant do +20 keys week one are the ones out of touch lol


Thats just it, you arent expected to. There is no reason for 98% of the people to go past a 10.