M+ De Other Side

There’s still way too much needless travel in there IMO–I agree with an earlier post in this thread–killing the wing boss should port you back to the center, making people run manually all the way back out again is just bad design.


Two of the three wings have shortcuts that take you most of the way back, and Hakkar only has one hallway to begin with. It’s not like you’re back tracking through the whole dungeon. That said, it’s not clear to me why the shortcuts don’t just take you all the way back to the ring.

If they ported you back to the center they should also reduce the timer.


I did this dungeon twice today M+12. Both times, at the end of the Hakkar hallway 2 people freaked out and said the stun was messed up. In one instance everything died but there was still drama. The next time the Tank died and rage quit.

Can someone tell me if there is a special strategy I missed? People are very quick to get mad, but very slow to explain why they get so upset/mechanics/what is expected of people.

From that description I’d assume they meant the urn at the end of the hallway. Everyone line of sights behind one of the side pillars that sticks out the wall to make the mobs come close enough to be in range of the stun urn.

If someone wasn’t properly lining then the tank would have had to deal with the mobs pulled for a significant amount of time to get everything grouped and in stun range. If he wasn’t expecting that, or pulled an amount too large for him to handle without the stun at the correct time, I could see him dying.


How did you stun the devoted? If you used the urn, then you messed up. Players should be rotating through hard interrupts like stuns or knock back abilities to stop them from transforming.


Found the website http s://mplus. subcreation. net/

So based on 3500 runs DoS is the least timed dungeon in 16s-24s, which although not perfect is at least a somewhat objective measure that it is the hardest dungeon to time.

If I could wave a magic wand and do anything here’s what I’d do:

De Other Side +1-2 minutes until this dungeon is in the middle of the pack for timed clears.

Sanguine Depths +1 minute, hallways would be slightly wider

Theater of Pain…I think I’d leave the timer but shorten the RP a bit. I also think I’d also add some counterplay to Gorechop’s grip on Quaking and maybe volcanic week. Also I think I would make falling off the platforms in the lich trash respawn you closer, I think that should be a costly mistake but even one person getting knocked off is RIP key IMO.

NW / PF / Mists / HoA I’d probably leave alone. Maybe Halls of Atonement on certain weeks I would add a minute, that dungeon is more affected by affixes that slow down trash clearing than most other dungeons.

Spires I thought was a little easier than the rest, I’d maybe shave a minute off the timer if it was still season 1.

Groups that bail mid run on DoS do so because continuing would go beyond any reasonable sense, more than 1-2 minutes over. Groups that fall apart in DoS are mostly due to mechanical failures and not understanding them. From experience, people do not understand the boss mechanics in DoS most frequently, which causes deaths and wipes. Same goes for mob mechanics.

Sanguine timer is not even close to tight, especially in Season 2. With the significant amount of nerfs this place already received, it is now one of the more easier dungeons.

I find it so ironic that out of all the dungeons, you would keep the ToP timer the same. I would say ToP and HoA have the tightest timer regardless of a good run.

It was in Season 1, but I believe they patched it so people who get knocked off can be resurrected now.


ToP, HoA and now Mists have the hardest timers IMO.


I think this feeling is because the dungeon is massively front loaded with trash. As in most of your & is from killing trash at the start while the back half hardly has any. Makes me think they saw how Motherlode was run during 8.3 so they wanted to make a dungeon like that. You get most of the trash at the beginning then you just go boss, boss, boss with 1-2 packs in between each boss instead of several.

Mists timer is fine except on spiteful weeks. Since you can’t progress through the maze while in combat. So having extra adds to kill just eats up the timer. Even if those adds kill themselves over time.

DOS is fine, now HOA… That’s another story…

I mean it’s fine but any wipe and you fail the timer. Which is really only true for TOP, HOA and Mists. The other dungeon timers are relaxed enough that you can time them even if you do wipe.

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The new M+ scoring system gives you an additional 40% time to complete dungeons and get almost all the points.

There is absolutely no reason to abandon a key currently if you are just a few minutes over/behind.

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The reason of me not wanting to waste my time being with people who can’t play the game is reason enough. I could join another group and be half way done with it by the time the initial struggle bus finishes.

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You are at the bleeding edge of M+ runs currently so your specific situation will be significantly different.
Pugging 18s sounds like hell.

I would call it high keys, but not bleeding edge. The same logic applied even when I was pushing for KSM at +15s. A failed 15 means I have to make it up with a 16 on another run. I could still just as easily leave and join another group to time it faster. It’s more about the playing experience and wanting to be around other players who know what they are doing. Sure I could get points with a struggling group, but that experience is miserable.

However, if the run is almost complete I always stick around. If the run is struggling from before or around the 1st boss, I did not invest enough of my time to stay.


Been seeing a bunch of dumb af routes that don’t take advantage of how easy it is to get three powers before even entering Ardenweald. People aren’t putting a moment of thought into how to play with Tormented and it shows in DoS more than anywhere else.


Takes 2 minutes to ask the tank before the run starts, doesn’t even need MDT. If the tank gives the group a hard time, find another tank.

Yep, I’ve started doing so now, and dropping the 1/5 of the time the tank refuses to link a route. (Lots of terribad tanks don’t make routes, found that askin to link route is a good screening tool regardless of what’s actually in the route.)

I havn’t updated my MDT routes from Season 1, but if someone asks I type the gist of it in chat.

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