M+ changes in DF are bad

Of course he did. Doesn’t mean others can’t see rebuttals to his poorly thought out arguments.

Yes. I’m looking at the actual ilvl difference between that and max (excluding the 430 drops), which is -9. in SL it’s currently -7 since there’s either 304 or 311 with no in-between.

This is fine.

So is this.

It’s -3 ilvls lower than max. Would there have actually been anything wrong with leaving the -7 ilvl difference in at +15 for the KSM group, while giving the +20 group their -3 ilvl too?


Mmm, seeing them say “I’d never lie” tempted me to click that “View 1 hidden reply” button.

Feel free to point out where I said I bought SL S1/S2 KSM in that thread. You do realize that KSM isn’t the only thing people buy in this game, right? :slight_smile:

This may come as a surprise, but things like titles (Herald of the Titans) and AotC are things you can buy too!

But since you made the accusation that I said I bought SL S1/S2 KSM in that thread, the burden of proof is on you. Have fun providing the proof!


I have all the pattern of behavior I need to establish that you don’t possess the modicum skill required to get KSM on your own.

A +20 in DF will still reward loot that is 3 item levels lower than mid tier heroic boss loot and 6 item levels lower than end boss loot. Except a +20 in DF will be much harder than a +20 now. With each key scaling an additional 2%, no kiss/curse affix and weaker tier sets a +20 will likely feel closer to that of a +22 or higher. Assuming (and that is a big assumption) they can get tuning right, nobody is going to want to run the equivalent of a +22 or so key just to get rewards that are still worst than heroic or so they can get what they do now from just running a +15. This is an all around bad change. All they are doing is making it harder to reach the top of the mountain for M+ so they can make raiders feel more special.

They are shooting themselves in the foot if they keep the creational catalyst 2.0 at 6 weeks and leave these changes in the game.


Well rejoice because there will be a kiss/curse affix.

We don’t know the final tuning yet… Therefore it is not said that a DF 20 is harder or easier as a SL 20.

Let’s wait for the next mythic weekend and see how it turns out.

The near best rewards should require some effort wouldn’t you say so?

Also with these changes M+ will come closer than ever to the Raids.

You don’t need mythic equivalent gear if you don’t do content that requires it… Eg Mythic raiding or high Keys.

Just to your 15/16 per week and get the same rewards as in SL.

We do actually know, they did release scaling %s for the dungeons

Scaling =/= tuning…
Btw we have so much more power from talents alone in DF.

Technically that would have been tail end of season 2

Isnt it insane that season 1 was December 2020, like holy

That doesn’t tell us where the starting point is though. If a +2 is half what it is now, a 380% increase is less than a 300% increase would have been in SL.

So it’s a valid point, we don’t actually know how hard/easy M+ will be.

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Yeah, I mean the knowledge I have is pretty limited to watching people that time +30s do mythic + on the beta so it’s pretty skewed

dmg taken looks high for 15s tho that’s for sure. maybe it’s just their gear

but people are cracking 20s now in the beta so idk

yeah the 11+ scaling changes are on top of how difficult the encounters are & also tuning can be a wildcard (beta will provide the data for tuning unlike s4?).

Tyrannical week 1 will be interesting.

We will see what changed with the next mythic cycle on the beta.

16’s will drop loot -6 ilvl below max. You don’t get the ‘304’ equivalent unless you time/complete a 20.

There’s a chart that shows all this if you Google it.

Pokemon was extremely challenging when it first released because no one really understood the mechanics or knew which Pokemon had what weaknesses. If you’re experienced you can go into every battle with an advantage.

415 is mythic ilvl. That’s the ilvl that drops from “Shriekwing” in DF. That is Mythic ilvl. Additional reward tiers for M+ and Raid players do not take away from that fact. It sounds like you aren’t happy with Mythic gear and what you actually want is to take rewards away from others if you can’t have it. Stop being jealous of other players and their rewards - not a good look.

Calm your diabetes kid. If they’re tiering mythic raiding to have multiple ilvls of gear, I was unaware. Feel free to check through my post history to see that I don’t care if 6ilvl below max is the best I’ll be able to pull off. No one on the planet is jealous of you, I promise.


Maybe if you don’t have the facts, stop trying to get a word in while also trying to shotgun a tub of fried chicken?

I literally quoted a Blizzard-produced chart showing how gear drops. You’re the one going 0-60 on a stranger because you needed a pick-me-up about your faux self-importance in a video game. Lol


Its already the same for mythic+. I have not got a 304 piece in a few weeks.