M+ causes major disparity with raid difficulty

And then they weren’t even happy with it. It turned into “we’re bored spamming the same few dungeons over and over all expansion”.

Well… YEAH. What the hell did they expect?

That apple fell on my head when season 2 of Legion came out, and I realized I had to farm the SAME 5-man dungeon, to get the SAME pair of boots I got out from it before, just now at a higher item level. And said to myself, “this is dumb”.


Isnt this raiding in a nutshell? Hey i beat normal, got my boots, now onto heroic for the same boots at a higher ilvl?

Same thing for PvP and all end game content. Its just how long you spend in that content. Raiding takes longer so it doesnt feel as bad. I have intermittent play times so the spamming of 5 mans is more suited to my style anyway so i dont mind it.

If I get bored or start feeling burned out, its a new role or new class, into the same content im going to be stuck running over and over and over

M+ feels like a good addition to the game but its impact on raiding is kinda silly.

Yep, it was a win for Blizzard, because they got to recycle their dungeon content over and over again. Probably why there is such a lack of content now, they just rely on people spamming the same dungeons over and over. Now, they’re recylcing even older dungeons instead of creating new content, it is utterly hilarious that a company this size can pump out new dungeons every patch or every other patch, or create more than 8 dungeons at launch.

You can tell Blizzard is having content creation issues and poor management issues. Their games reek of laziness and lack of talent across the board now.

I only stick around because I love the IP, and I have Classic to play as well, which will always be the best version of WoW for me.

We get new raids almost every patch, getting new dungeon content is another story.

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You are extremely flawed in trying to establish causation with your tiny anecdote; this is merely correlation. Are you saying it is without a doubt that Team A is doing better because they have gear from M+ and not from them simply being better players? Team A is able to push high keys because they are better players than Team C.

Gear helps, but this to me is clearly a skill issue between the teams you presented.

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No, because the fights change dramatically on Mythic. (And often on Heroic.)

The worst part is now even some casual guilds are requiring m+ gear to join raids.

Why do you need 425 ilvl for a N raid?

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Ah thats fair. But thats just comparing LFR normal heroic mythic to its dungeon counterparts where each difficulty adds new mechanics

And each week changes with affixes ans hia one has to adjust the fight for such things.

IMO raiding is more difficult, but i think they could go hand in hand

Carry the RL ofc

You’re not wrong.

Because it feels silly to argue the obvious?

I like keys cause it takes only a cpl ppl, and a small amt of time to do them.

Gear is secondary cause honestly i get gold most times.

Time investment for raiding is meh vs the flexibility of m+

See, this response doesn’t answer anything though. Can you show me some actual data that represents participation vs non-participation. I will be waiting.

Raiders shouldn’t be able to waltz into M+ and stomp it with their overpowered special raid gear. It’s all a part of Ion’s “raids = first class, everything else = third class” philosophy. Items dropped in dungeons should get a 30 ilvl boost in dungeons over raid gear.

Such as… the data you’ve been referred to?

Still waiting for that breakdown.

I’ll bet you are.

“If players burn out doing the content they like without making progress we can get them to play content they don’t like as if it was a full-time job until they catch up.”

That’s not how entertainment works.

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The game stopped growing in Wrath, and lost subs through Catacylsm, MoP, and WoD. Game only grew again under Legion (and Shadowlands, regardless of how you feel it had big launch numbers).

Vanilla was the most casual friendly MMO on the market at the time and dungeon gear was considered worthwhile. We had Tier 0.5 in Vanilla WoW and a PvP system to progress. BC added Arena gear and Heroic dungeons.

You can headcanon whatever narrative you like but the facts are not with you.

So you don’t have anything, what else is new lol.