Again I have no idea as this is very vague. I may have dropped as many as 50 M+ over the course of this season across all my toons.
Look you can’t define serial leaver. To some people they have defined it as 2+ leaves others think you can leave hundreds and be ok. None of those definitions matter what does matter is the one Blizz sets and they are not telling us. I have no idea why you keep going on about your definition of it as that is meaningless. We want and need it said specifically from Blizz.
Yet you just said they wont do it for bad playing as its not against the rules…
How are you going to prove intent. After all I could be over here with a migraine and or having a stroke.
What they gave was a vague description much like what they do with words that will get you suspended that can and do change regularly and without anyone understanding the rules. Look there have been threads I have been in where the word huntard has been said more than a dozen times. Yest I use it to refer to myself as someone with autism and I get a 3 day suspension. I don’t need the same kind of happening when it can result in an in game suspension.
Yes very clear how many is this? give me an exact number please… I’ll wait.
It quite literally can by saying anyone who leaves groups 250 times or more in a season as the first person to drop will be suspended. See how hard that is.