M+ Affixes

Idk it just gives you stuff to AOE. I think it’s fine as long as it spawns on top of enemies.

From what I saw they don’t take damage. The only way to kill them is kick, cc, dispel or stop.

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“The orbs absorb all damage, so the only way to kill them is to stop their cast, by interrupting, displacing them, crowd controlling them, or purging them”

In the wowhead screenshot they all seem pretty scattered around, not just spawning on top of mobs.

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I’m not particularly thrilled about fort and Tyrannical but this is far better than what we were going to get before this update. Still really want to see them let keys have 2 charges before they deplete, with deaths costing 15 secs I can see pugging 7-10 becoming quite toxic


Because players pushing beyond the threshold for loot are only doing so for competitive title or personal glory. Nothing else is gained but the 0.1% seasonal title, or their own sense of achievement.

We were debating this last night some. I was fairly sure we needed to CC them, but was told to damage them so that’s helpful confirmation.

Hopefully they program them to spawn on enemies instead of BFE. If they don’t correct that I don’t see how anyone could support it. Even then, idk why CC or damage shouldn’t be an option.

I think you missed the point of my post…if better players dont want additional random mechanics, why would the devs make worse players have them? Would it be good game design for lfr to have more mechanics than mythic raids? I feel the whole reason you would add additional mechanics to encounters would be to challenge better players…if they dont want to do them…then why you put them off on players who wont even interupt or move out of fire…it make no sense to me.

But higher key pushers are already going to have the most difficult affixes, and they have been asking for more consistency.

Fort and tyran simultaneously, another 20% dmg/health for mobs instead of the kiss/curse lower keys will get, and the 15s penalty per death.

Unless I missed a change, myth track still only requires +9 so players will get the best loot from a set of affixes that’s either fort or tyran, the kiss/curse rotating event, and the 15s penalty for death.

Because going to +12 adds an additional +20% modifier on top of both Fortified and Tyrannical. It will be significantly harder than the affixes.

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Agreed 100%. Do we really need 20 orbs spawning with nameplates causing frame drops and adding a ton of clutter? Really hope this changes.


The new Affixes have a benefit to players but above 12 that goes away and all the mobs have 20% more health and damage.

So 12 and higher will be much harder.

One affix being an entirely passive kiss curse and the second requiring active cc does feel uneven.
Maybe not unbalanced cause you can technically remove the curse entirely from ascendant, where frenzied youre just kinda stuck with it, i can actually see ascendant weeks ending up much easier as groups get coordinated and keys get higher.

When i first read their post i was thinking the orbs would spawn and pathing towards the mobs with “disruption” being you actually walking in to disrupt their path and soak them, not actual mobs that increase clutter and need people to use cc on them, the what they said they were trying to avoid by removing the old affix.

That’s kinda the feel I got as well from the small amount of testing:

The progression just seems extremely janky, and I’m sure that right now Ascendant being what it is makes everything feel weirder. It sorta means you have a whole bunch of chaos being added to lower keys, which I expect on Live will be run with people who are significantly worse. But then, as you progress and get better, a bunch of mechanics just disappear.

The actual “difficulty” for +12 and higher is definitely going to be harder, and that’s fine. But even that is going to come with its own issues in how that additional difficulty jump is being added.

This is how I interpreted the wording of the affix as well. I didn’t think we’d essentially be upgrading from Afflicted requiring groups to comp/handle around a bunch of single-target CC, to Raszageth Sparks and requiring groups to comp/handle around a bunch of AoE CC.

It’s kinda funny to see how affix ideas have progressed. They went from wanting to rework Explosive to giving us 3 versions of Explosive (1 of which, “Explosive 2.0”, got removed before making it live). Then now we’ve taken away Afflicted and Incorporeal to get a souped up version.

The other affix is just a variation on Raging sans Soothe. I don’t yet know whether that’s better or worse, because it’s a little hard to judge how a Haste buff is going to interact on the truly hard mobs as the various damage multipliers stack up.

This isn’t what they said. They said they wanted to reduce that stuff for passive affixes. The passive affixes we have are passive and do reduce cognitive load. You have a single active affix instead of 3, pretty clear they hit the design goal lol

That person has a fair interpretation of what was said.

What are those core goals?

They quite literally are doing their core goal of:

  • Shift the source of challenge to the dungeon itself by simplifying affix design and emphasizing creature abilities.

The orbs are not a challenge. You press an AoE stun once a pack when it spawns and everyone gets the buff in the group. Compare this to having Bolstering, Storming, and the usually active seasonal affix all in a single key and it is extremely clear how much better this design is.

They never said they are removing ALL clutter and removing ALL noise. This person was not being charitable.

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… Have you played with affix at all?

This isn’t even about some clutter and noise being removed. The new affix adds more noise and clutter than multiple of the old affixes combined. On top of that, it’s a bit more involved than “AoE stun once a pack when it spawns”, and of course needing that rotation of disrupts every minute means that you’re not using abilities to counter the mobs in the dungeon (like you should), heavily freezes in comp requirements (and for that, racials now too), and overwhelmingly feels like you’re playing around it rather than anything else going on in the dungeon.

Which isn’t even getting into how it interacts/overlaps with a bunch of other stuff going on in the dungeon. A bunch of the stuff in Grim Batol, Siege, Dawnbreaker, is just ugh. We didn’t get a non-bugged Necrotic Wake, but I can imagine Nalthor being hilarious too.

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Yes, an active affix will have more clutter than a bunch of passive ones combined. But a single active affix is less clutter than 3+ actives at the same time, which we currently can have with the way affixes work lol

Affixes can be iterated and changed. A big issue for Infested and Bolstering was that small, useless enemies were affected by them and that made the affixes miserable. But as those interactions were pruned, the affixes became more manageable.

Maybe you didn’t understand what I said. On the Beta server, from the feel of doing dungeons with Ascendant, it has more clutter, noise, and cognitive load than (for example) having Tyrannical, Entangling, and Bolstering active on Live.

The design of an affix is relevant to how many issues come with it though. Quaking, Explosive, Bolstering, these repeatedly had to get hotfixed and iterated on over and over again, often for the same things. Hell, when they brought back Mechagon for SL Season 4, they literally broke Explosive spawns again, after having fixed it the first time when it was an active BFA dungeon.

The idea that they’re ever going to catch and handle every bad interaction for a poorly designed affix is laughable given history.

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This is my whole point…why are worse players having to do more crap…has anyone done lfr raszageth? half the wipes are from people not dealing with orbs and the other half are from getting blown off the platform. If you want people to learn your dungeons, have the mechanics in the dungeons matter and not be random. all m+ should be uniform scale dmg and hp as you go up the tier.