<LZRD> [H][Classic Fresh][PVE][Casual]

:small_orange_diamond: Who are we?

LZRD WoW is an extension to our already established gaming community [LZRD Gaming] that frequently get together to play all sorts of games and we are looking to get our foot in the door to casual raiding and/or PVX content in Classic WoW Fresh.

:small_orange_diamond: Why us?

Are you the casual gamer who only has a few hours a day after work to hop on and experience what World of Warcraft has to offer? Well look no further! We understand that real life comes before gaming but we are gamers as heart and nothing will take that away from us. Want to experience classic wow in a casual and laidback environment? Welcome home!

:small_orange_diamond: What are our plans?

  • Leveling and Exploration: Its a vast open world, let’s explore it and learn about it.
  • End Game Content: We want to experience the raids,dungeons, pvp maybe, crafting and professions systems offered
  • Friendly Guild: Most importantly we want to maintain a friendly environment, and experience everything the game has to offer in the laidback community

reach out to iiitzur on discord or here in the forums

est. 2019

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Hey, you guys sound like a cool group. How large is your guild? I saw a group like this on alliance but prefer horde. Also dont want to get lost in a 400+ member guild.

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Hey do you guys have a discord for the guild? Sounds like a great and fun guild.

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This is a new guild, we’re trying to get this guild off the ground. If you’re ok with that then welcome along!


That’s the guild discord I’ll be posting updates there as we get closer to launch date.

Hey really liking the sound of this place. I have always been mainly solo and casual (only ran mc once) But really enjoy the classic vibe/journey.

Warning…I might be going Tauren Enhancement Shammy …Just always liked that class aesthetic and it would be my first time rolling horde.

So if this group would be down with the “meme” specs, I am totally interested. :smiley:

hey, this sounds like what I am looking for. My favorite part about Vanilla WoW is leveling to 60 and farming pre-BiS in 5mans.

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It’s been a little since I’ve done something like that but that does seem very fun indeed.

Raid days and times?

Raid Times and Days
That’s a question I get a lot from players.

Simple answer is that we currently don’t raid times or any days set.

Longer answer is, as a casual guild we want to focus first on having fun and getting to 60 without rushing and then I also don’t see the hurry in trying to rush into MC.
Although I am thinking about trying out a 1 night raid day during the week but that’s something I still have to talk about with the guild once we get to that point, but we’re in no rush.

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I understand the logic, but I don’t want to spend time in a guild and when it gets to end game I can’t play with them. I’m not as flexible as other people. Thanks.

My wife and I are looking for a Horde guild and we are the casual gamers you speak of in your intro so I am using this post so I can join your discord when I get home!