Lvls 60s are ruining the fun in the leveling bracket

Actually its generally the bad ones that infiltrate the lower brackets because they get owned at 60 in real pvp.

A level 60 in the leveling bracket basically scales down to a very well-geared leveling toon.

The difference isn’t HUGE, but it’s there and noticeable. They generally sit around 23k hp or so, while my average leveling alt that wasn’t full geared in BFA is at like 18-19k. It’s just easy honor because they can’t cut it in 60 bgs.

There’s a few trolls on these forums that defend party sync with their life but I think most people would disagree. I tend to ignore them. I think you shouldn’t be able to q up for pvp scaled down.

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This is Raist, just wanted to change to a character more appropriate for the discussion.

Aside from a couple of DKs in the lowest bracket and a few outliers I assume were people that geared XP-off I never felt I was at a significant disadvantage in leveling BGs gearing characters like this (Tess needs some work still, just haven’t had time). Tess is the 4th character I leveled since they started sync.

Some caveats. Team stacking of OP classes definitely does have an effect on power. Tess is the 3rd healer I leveled out of the 4 and the dps I leveled was a hunter. I didn’t play last bracket as I focused on the expansion grind for those levels. EDIT: Also, I’ve only played low level BGs as a leveling toon so I can’t directly compare power levels.

Easy, I wish a 60 would try

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Geared mine from bgs and do fine vs 60s tbh hell even my 90 ilvl warr was able to solo a 60 hunter multiple times

There is only one balancing factor that I know of… When level 60s are leveled down (party-sync or lower level bg groups), their PVP Trinket ( Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects) is disabled. – So they are vulnerable to stun locks.

…but the imbalance is pretty strong even with this

They can make an heirloom that works

People are funny with their “they can’t hack it in their own bracket so they party sync”. There are tons of reasons why people party sync, and it is not a blanket reason of “they suck”

New to 60 - will have no chance of surviving in 60 bgs (if you think party sync is unfair, go join a bg on a fresh 60), party sync is a far more balanced option for them

Helping a friend in a lower bracket

Some people don’t want to spend hours every week grinding pve content just to be viable in pvp

It’s an alt friendly way of pvping where you don’t have to drop months of gameplay into a character you may not even like to play

Just because they sync into a lower bracket doesn’t mean they’re bad, that’s just an excuse made by the people getting graveyard camped to make them feel better.


I mean… it is true people who abuse the system need the handicap to have fun and farm their honor rank and most who abuse game systems are typically more active in the community/forums. Quitting or not has nothing to do with a stupid design catering to those little babies who need friends to play with constantly (especially higher level friends to exploit :wink: :wink: ). What you find to be a quality of life change has actually destroyed lower level pvp which in essence is the introduction of the games pvp, lower bgs have continued its trend of being a waste of time like in BoA… and templates LOL… any sense of scaling any character has proven to NOT work, especially from higher to lower. Blizzard can’t and won’t learn and do things correctly hence why things have naturally taken its course.

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What are you on about? I said Blizzard’s decision making is overwhelmingly unpopular–verifiable by the low subs and constant criticism on every forum. I never made mention of motives for low level PVP participation. Lol

You quoted me with insinuations and yes I still keep by more word that people on these forums are typically fine exploiting systems for their own personal gain even though it ruins peoples experience. Maybe remember what your responses are.

If you think the scaling for level 60’s in lower level brackets is fine, just remember, a level 10 tank can almost solo any dungeon they enter.

If something as simple as that is broken, imagine the scaling of a max level player with all his/hers bells and whistles.

Buddy was lvling a dk from the 40s bracket and asked me to que with them. Either destro is completely overtuned or this guy isnt completely wrong. If destro was tuned like this at 60 shadowburn would be a 20k crit. Absolutely disgusting. Felt like a mage running around killing people without casting.

My apologies for giving you the benefit of the doubt for being able to stay on task. Sorry to hear lvl60’s are picking on you bud, I hope your gaming experience improves.

stupidist reply Ive read tonite. its just some lvl 60’s that cant roll with the big boys you are probably one of them

Wow, so wise! Bet you did all that detective work yourself?

I don’t take the opinion of an epic bg player seriously in pvp discussions any more than I would a battle pet hero. Keep trucking along in those skill-filled epics my dude