Lvl for a flying mount

I have been trained to fly at lvl 25 and bought my mount. Why can’t I fly ? I know that this is a verry noob question, but …

Flying isn’t available until level 30. You can use the flying mounts earlier on the ground, but they won’t fly until that point. Once you hit level 30, just visit a riding trainer and you’ll be able to purchase the ability to fly.

Depending on where you are playing in the game however, some zones have additional requirements in order to unlock flying.

Thank You very much, that answers my question

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One other weird thing to add: if a character had flying before the level squish, they’ll still have access to flying even if they aren’t at 30. So, it is actually possible for some level 25-29 characters to have flying by being grandfathered in.

One other thing to add: Once you hit level 30 and can fly, you still won’t be able to fly in BFA zones. That requires a separate achievement that includes completing all the quests in all the zones.

The. Levels at which you can lean new riding skills are:
10 - Basic ground mount riding.
20 - Fast ground mount riding.
30 - Basic Flying
40 - Fast flying.