Lvl 70 Druid doesnt one-shot trash in firelands

What is happening? i have to cast several times to kill lvl 35 trash in firelands. I have a lvl 70 druid with 468 ilvl.

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they are raid mobs so they have quite a bit of hp.

the stealth superbuff was removed. so you’re seeing your true power without it. Which is not that much against a 25man mob.

^by removed, he means it’s bugged. There was no announced intention to remove legacy raid scaling from any past raid that has it.

Since only raids with timewalking variants were affected, it seems that it got messed up when they updated all timewalking in 11.0.5 to scale content to the player’s level instead of scaling players down to the content.

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It is strange, i did it with my lvl 80 mage without issues; but a lvl 70 cant one-shot?