Lust/Hero in Arena

I have no dog in this fight, as I don’t play Shaman. I don’t even know why I’m making this post.

Anyway, from what I remember (which could be wrong), Shamans had Lust/Heroism in Arena in TBC and Wrath and this was immediately removed in Cata once Mages got Timewarp because it just made comps like RMP ungodly good and impossible to balance.

It’s kind of a shame that Shamans got forever forked because Mages were too oppressive. I was talking to a buddy, and it would be really cool if Shamans got some sort of Glyph that allowed them to use Lust in Arena in Cata sort of like the Retail version. As in, they are able to buff themselves and one other with Lust/Hero.

Maybe this could be exclusive to Ele/Enhance, since they are the ones really pretty screwed all of Cata and don’t have many good comps.

Anyway, just a thought.

shamans are probably the biggest champions in wow history man
they are fine i promise

we are always oppressed. since day 1 of vanilla. thats why blizz allows us to be the one shot trick ponys

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