Lunar Calling

Another casual question, since I’m not a PTR kind of player:

It looks like the Lunar Calling talent for the Balance spec solves a huge annoyance of mine. Basically, I dislike being in the wrong eclipse because it takes up to 15 seconds to change to the other. For instance, a single target boss will bring in some adds, and I’m stuck in Solar Eclipse.

With Lunar Calling, it looks like I would always cast two quick Wraths to get into Lunar Eclipse, and then use Starfire for both single and multi target cases. The 65% damage increase for Starfire means it’s probably pretty close to Wrath for single target damage now. This seems like a really good improvement to play style if I understand it correctly.

I’m not a min-max key pushing type, and 90% of optimal is good enough for me.

Do I have it right? If so, I’m really looking forward to this change.

After a dayish /played on beta as balance the strongest spec atm involves lunar calling for raiding and mythic+.

Having it perform well in raids/mythics is gravy. Really my question is: With Lunar Calling, do I just never worry about being stuck in Solar Eclipse any more?

If so, it sounds wonderful.

With lunar calling you cant even go into solar eclipse you basically just press 2 wraths to go back into lunar. CA will still proc both but that is about it.

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Perfect. Thank you!

When we’re in CA would we still want to use wrath though since we have both eclipses up? So far that’s what I’ve been doing on ST fights…open with CA then spam wrath until CA is done, then go back to only using starfire.

I think you’re still going to Starfire even in CA; the EC hero talents megabuff it.

Starfire is buffed by 65%. Tbh i havent actually looked at sims, but i very highly doubt theres any situation where wrath beats 65% buffed starfire.