<Lunacy> 10 man raid team seeking exceptional players

Hello! The lunacy late night 10 man raid team, otherwise known as Night Shift, is seeking a couple dedicated and exceptional players!

Night Shift Culture:
• Everyone gets a voice, and speaking up in encouraged during raid time and outside of raid time.
• Low pressure raid environment with the ultimate goal of having fun but also knowing when to get serious to clear content.
Raid times
Thursday/Monday 8:30pm ST to 11:30pm ST

Loot Distribution:
Wishlist with some loot council oversight

Needs (Night Shift team specific)
1 Healer (Disc/Rsham/Hpriest Preferred)
1 DPS (enhance sham Preferred)

We are always looking for exceptional players to join one of our many raid teams including Night Shift, so if you feel as though your individual skills can benefit our guild/our raid team please reach out to me directly on discord. Rev3rb#0844.