Luminous Pearl Turn-In Missing (Khadgar)

Myself and my friend have the Luminous Pearl & quest, but neither of us can see Khadgar in Dalaran to turn the quest in even though the game has us going to the Violet Citadel. I have checked elsewhere for the man - lord knows he’s going through a lot right now - but when I do see him in the world elsewhere, he has no quests to take from me. I submitted a ticket, to which I was told Blizz is aware and made a hotfix but I still do not see him in there and neither does my friend! Any ideas?

*This is happening on my Demon Hunter, Sydemon.


i reporte it too i just want the fishing ploe

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I am having this issue as well - cannot find Khadgar in Legion Dalaran to turn this quest in.

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Huge phasing bug, pretty much. Apparently Khadgar is missing for every single class order hall progression in Legion right now.

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Yup! I submitted a ticket and was told it was hotfixed, still missing, so was sent here! :slight_smile:

I am having the same problem. I cannot see Khadgar at the turn-in location in Dalaran. I tried using a starter account and syncing quest progress and that did not make him appear either. Unable to complete this quest.

Any luck after update?

Judging by the posts at the given timestamp in this other thread, it doesn’t seem like it.

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Plz help daddy blizzard i am in love with this new expac but how can i fish more than 200 without this beautiful rod swaying stiffly in my face? plz halp thnx.

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So, after opening a ticket and describing in detail the issue, I just received a response:

Customer Support does not provide game hints or restore items, currencies, or progress lost due to bugs.

Then they gave me a bunch of links to report bugs, common issues, etc. Just the usual generic copy-paste stuff.


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Great investigative work from Blizz!

bumping this.

i just want the pole. PLEASE FIX BLIZZZZZZ

Depending on the phase of your TWW campaign quest, Khadgar may be in a different area than the Violet Citadel.

I have completed the entire TWW campaign and he returned into the Violet Citadel for his regular turn-ins and I was able to get the Underlight Angler yesterday. You may need to complete the Harbinger pre-patch quest and the first part of the TWW campaign for him to be there.

Hope this helps!

He’s in other places, but you can’t interact with him or turn in the quest. I’ve already tried speaking with him at different locations.


Dang okay.

Seems that on both my characters I had completed the initial Harbinger pre-patch questline as well as the beginning opening parts of the TWW campaign which phased Khadgar back to his normal spot so I was able to turn it in. Wonder if doing that may help as a workaround.

Hopefully they fix it soon!

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Still seems broken to me, I have completed all quests available in TWW and I still can’t see him.


Adding to this. I can see “Magic Message” quest on Map and mini map but the NPC is not there in violet citadel so I cannot not accept the quest to continue with my legion progression.

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Unfortunately, I have done all of this lol. It’s a bug!

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Yeah, it’s definitely a bug either way. Was hoping that may help as a workaround for some where it worked for me. Must be different for everyone. It still definitely needs fixing!

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Hi All!

A workaround I found to turn in my quests - worked for my friend & myself :slight_smile: