Unfortunately while the Devs have finally made 5 man and Raid specific scaling for skills…
They were unable to find the drive to actually use it meaningfully. So many skills go completely unused outside raid. And in the case of Luminous Barrier, outside raid or inside raid.
I made a post in June asking for essentially the same thing.
I’m going to be completely blunt when I say, it gets really annoying on here with the amount of people who have conservative mindsets about the Priest class.
So many times I’ll read replies and they say in essence “that’s how it’s always been” without exactly saying that as the reason for why things are the way they are, and why they shouldn’t necessarily change.
But hey, at least Mages bring a better version of Luminous Barrier with their Mass Barrier. Seems to be a motif of the Priest class to have literally all of our tools redistributed to other classes and made better for them.