When Overpower has its cooldown reset by Tactician, your next Overpower deals 30%25% additional damage and 30%25% additional critical damage.
When Raging Blow resets its own cooldown, your next Raging Blow deals 30%25% additional damage and 30%25% additional critical damage.
Each strike of Bladestorm deals an additional 20%15% damage evenly split across all targets.
Yeah I lost hope for this dev team many many expansions ago.
Arms literally does negative damage and falls over.
Only thing Fury has going for it is mongo damage with a stacking MS but no utility and just falls over to any caster team.
The problems are obvious yet nothing is being done about it.
Isn’t warrior also performing pretty poorly in pve? How does blizzard justify all these nerfs.
Most poo spec Arms receiving it’s third nerf.
These changes are just dev bias at this point.
I don’t pve but if I’m reading the charts right there are 8 specs above arms and fury is almost dead last in pve. The only other spec that is getting nerfed is fire mage which is the no 1 pve spec, with compensation buffs btw.
This is complete and utter developer bias at its finest.