Lucario's World Tour this Friday @5PM pst! Open and free for all to PLAY!

Over the past 7 months, I have been developing a planned 2 years project know as “Lucario’s World Tour”.

It is basically a large persistent story developed in conjunction with an game all played in the world of Azeroth.

After a successful launch of Chapter 1 played and experienced this year back in June. Many have requested to continue playing and experiencing it. So now due to multiple requests, Lucario’s World Tour is now open to all to play and experience for free, no commitment, no nonsense, nothing expected from you except hoping you enjoy the project I have now easily invested in over 530 hrs in.

If you are still unsure. I offer a cannonical Introductory Scenario to the game/story (average run time of 2 hours open to solos and groups) which you can experience live in-game at any time at your leisure. I will also link you directly to the Game/Story for you to browse at your leisure with no oversight to get a feel for it.

If you have any questions, would like to play, act, participate in the game or would like to schedule the Intro Scenario feel free to contact me in that discord ‘Lucario’. Everything you need to know about this is under the ‘Lucario’s World Tour’ section of the discord.

Chapter 2: Change of Heart Launches and begins this Friday (Jan 17th) @ 5pm pst.


Discord Link —> 4xZXKdAJ

What is Lucario’s World Tour?
A multi-stage interactive large scale event rewarding paid gold prizes once every 6 months. Events include Problem Solving, Riddles, Recreations, Scavenger Hunt, Hide and Seek, Roleplay, Story, and many other various activities!

Who can participate in Lucario’s World Tour?
All are welcome to be a player/roleplayer/actor/reader of the game and its story!

What is the goal of Lucario’s World Tour?
Following the clues left behind in my Family Album and Father’s Travel Log, help me search for my father, which I just learned is alive and hasn’t returned after all these years.

Why is Lucario’s World Tour?
To foster community and comradery and to break up the monotony of the daily grind when content starts to become stale.

Your talking too much… How much gold can I win?
Stage 1 / Locate / FFA - 5 winners = (75k Gold each)
Stage 2 / Scavenge / FFA or Team - First 3 to complete = (150k Gold each)
Stage 3 / The Hunt / FFA or Team - First to complete = (300k Gold)
Stage 4 / Revelation - Find a significant clue about my father = (500k Gold+Hateforged Blazecycle Mount)
Failure to find the clue withing the time limit = Nothing
Total for winning all 4 Stages = 1.025M Gold+Hateforged Blazecycle Mount

I’m sold… now explain these stages!
Stage 1 / Discovery - Recreate ×5 Family Photos.
Stage 2 / Scavenge - Find the necessary items and mystery event/task.
Stage 3 / The Hunt - Find the key story character in a massive manhunt.
Stage 4 / Revelation - Find the significant clue.

How do I participate?
Stage 1 - Discovery / Starting date and time will be posted in the “Lucario’s World Tour” discord section. Simply wait for it to be posted at that date and time. Follow Instructions.
Stage 2 - Scavenge / Winners of Stage 1 can select up to 2 helpers who will also receive participation rewards.
Stage 3 - The Hunt / Winners of Stage 2 can select up to 1 helper who will also receive participation rewards.
(Note: In stage 4, while only one person can physically participate, but this is a guild event! So the final participant can livestream their attempt and seek the wisdom and guidance of all watching.

How long does the event last?
Stage 1 - Discovery / 3-4 days x 5 different day. (5 Winners)
Stage 2 - Scavenge / No Time Limit. (First 3)
Stage 3 - The Hunt / No Time Limit. (First player)
Stage 4 - Revelation / 1 Hour Time Limit

Note: This story is tailored around the game "Lucario’s World Tour played once every 6 months. See game-rules-info for more details about the game in this discord. If you think you might want to participate/play/roleplay in future games, dm me and we will make that happen!

Note: There is a CANNONICAL Roleplay Introduction Scenario to this story for you to play and experience available on request. It averages 2 hours in length. Simply DM my ‘Lucario’ in this discord to schedule a playthrough. It’s definately well worth your time I promise.

Note: Story is planned for 4 Chapters. One chapter every 6 months.


Woah! Count me in, this is so damn cool.
I love puzzles and all that, prettyyy smart way to advertise ngl!

Do you have to be Horde or can Alliance (with tongues elixir ofc) show up?

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Any faction or level. No restrictions. If you have any questions feel free to ask or dm my in the linked discord w/e your more comfortable with.


Ooooh, sounds like fun!

hope to see ya there ^.^

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Oh snap it’s tomorrow!! Really looking forward to it!

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Niiice! I can’t wait!

appreciate it