LUA Errors when entering/exiting "vehicles"

Since the patch I’ve been receiving the following LUA error when entering and exiting any vehicle.

I deleted my cache, interface and wtf folders, ran a repair and it went away. But once I moved my player and target frames back to where I like them it returned.

While I only run one or two addons I was able to duplicate the issue without any addons running at all after the fresh reset.

Message: Interface\FrameXML\AnimationSystem.lua:61: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: PlayerFrame:SetPoint.
Time: Sun Nov 7 11:27:14 2021
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\FrameXML\AnimationSystem.lua:61: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: PlayerFrame:SetPoint.
[string “=[C]”]: in function updateFunc' [string "@Interface\FrameXML\AnimationSystem.lua"]:61: in function SetUpAnimation’
[string “@Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua”]:370: in function PlayerFrame_UpdateArt' [string "@Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua"]:274: in function OnEvent’
[string “@Interface\FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua”]:928: in function <Interface\FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:926>

Locals: (*temporary) = PlayerFrame {
0 =
portrait = PlayerPortrait {
inSequence = false
healAbsorbBarLeftShadow = PlayerFrameHealAbsorbBarLeftShadow {
totalAbsorbBarOverlay = PlayerFrameTotalAbsorbBarOverlay {
animPostFunc = defined @Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:384
healthbar = PlayerFrameHealthBar {
overAbsorbGlow = PlayerFrameOverAbsorbGlow {
threatIndicator = PlayerFrameFlash {
state = “player”
myHealPredictionBar = PlayerFrameMyHealPredictionBar {
name = PlayerName {
overHealAbsorbGlow = PlayerFrameOverHealAbsorbGlow {
isAnimatedOut = false
healAbsorbBar = PlayerFrameHealAbsorbBar {
myManaCostPredictionBar = PlayerFrameManaCostPredictionBar {
PlayerFrameHealthBarAnimatedLoss = {
statusSign = 1
unit = “player”
feedbackText = PlayerHitIndicator {
totalAbsorbBar = PlayerFrameTotalAbsorbBar {
animating = true
feedbackStartTime = 657244.585000
statusCounter = 0.490012
manabar = PlayerFrameManaBar {
OnEvent = defined @Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:197
feedbackFontHeight = 30
menu = defined @Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:56
animStartTime = 0
healAbsorbBarRightShadow = PlayerFrameHealAbsorbBarRightShadow {
animReverse = true
otherHealPredictionBar = PlayerFrameOtherHealPredictionBar {
inSeat = true
(*temporary) = “TOPLEFT”
(*temporary) = UIParent {
0 =
firstTimeLoaded = 1
variablesLoaded = true
(*temporary) = “TOPLEFT”
(*temporary) = -19
(*temporary) = 136


I am constantly getting this LUA error as well, even with all addons turned off, and after deleting my WTF and Cache folders.

Is there any way to just turn off LUA errors being displayed? I don’t get why it has to pop up a huge message all the time that I have absolutely no idea what to do with anyways

edit: Example of when this occurs would be using the bat in Sinfall to fly to the surface, or using the Kyrian angels in Necrotic Wake or Spires to fly from one platform to another. The LUA error pops up when you are picked up by the “vehicle” and then a second time when you are dropped off / exit it


I am receiving this error as well, only workaround I have seen so far is to reset everything the default position for the base UI. This is extremely annoying though so I hope blizz can fix whatever got messed up that makes it through this error

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Experiencing this same exact error as well. Happens upon entering OR exiting a vehicle or anything that overrides the base player frame. I guess I’ll have to live with getting spammed with Lua errors until they introduce a fix.

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I am also having this issue.

Temporary fix is to reset console variables, this worked for me, albeit resetting a bunch of other settings and generally messing up my interface.

/console cvar_default

I found a fix that works for me, just turning off LUA errors entirely:

/console scriptErrors 0

If you want to turn them back on just retype it and change the 0 to 1


Been having this exact same issue since the patch. Even with all addons turned off, still nothing. Really don’t have the patience to reset the UI, so thanks to the above post for at least allowing me to hide the constant lua errors.

Any update on this and how to correct it?
was also getting this in arenas // randomly

…going to give this a bump as I’ve been experiencing this very same series of errors since the patch.

i am also having the same issues, even with addons off

i am having the same issues

SAme issue. Any way to fix it instead of just "hide"the LUA error?

I have been having this same issue for the last month. Still no fix?

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