Lua error every time in game options are clicked on

Every since the latest update Tuesday, I’ve had a random lua error and it only appears when I click on random options in game, such as the in game menu, or my character’s talent tree.

Here is error:
Message: …ParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua:1079: attempt to call method ‘IsShown’ (a nil value)
Time: Wed Mar 5 18:58:58 2025
Count: 1
[Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua]:1079: in function <…ParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua:1075>
[C]: in function ‘securecall’
[Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua]:1121: in function ‘CloseWindows’
[Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua]:1135: in function ‘CloseAllWindows’
[Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua]:1612: in function <…rface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua:1294>

found = nil
(for state) =


  • 1 = “ItemRefTooltip”*
  • 2 = “ColorPickerFrame”*
  • 3 = “FloatingPetBattleAbilityTooltip”*
  • 4 = “FloatingGarrisonFollowerTooltip”*
  • 5 = “FloatingGarrisonShipyardFollowerTooltip”*
  • 6 = “GameCooltipFrame1”*
  • 7 = “GameCooltipFrame2”*
    (for control) = 6
    index = 6
    value = “GameCooltipFrame1”
    frame =
*(temporary) = nil
*(temporary) =
*(temporary) = “attempt to call method ‘IsShown’ (a nil value)”

Any help would be very much appreciated! :slight_smile:

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Sorry for the slow response; I went to bed shortly after posting this question-
That worked! I followed the instructions and everything is back to normal: thank you :slight_smile:

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