Loyal to the Primus bugged after swapping covenants

I swapped covenants today. I was able to complete chapters 2 and 3 but chapter one is currently bugged as I cannot continue it. I got through the storyline up until the “The Soul Contact” quest and once I handed that quest in there was no quest to pick up.

After checking on wowhead I saw that after that quest the next quest was “Setting the Ground Rules” and the first 3 “Rules” quests that Ven’ari offers.

These are quests I have done already as part of the Venthyr Covenant.

So it looks like there isa glitch here with the covenant swapping process. I wouldn’t mind so much if it weren’t for the fact that this currently blocks me from collecting one point of renown and the legs appearance for the Necrolord covenant appearance set.


This bug is still ongoing.


I have the same issue 8/9 chapters completed as necro lord. Started as night fae.

Missing “loyal to the primus”


I have the same issue as well.

I also have this issue.

Yup same issue

Yep, I have the same issue after swapping from nightfae

Same here after switching from NF to Necro

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same here !! loyal to the primus cant not be completed? or how ? its bug?

Same issue -.- Blizz can we get a blue post about this?


Mine is the same. But i saw in wowhead that the complete quest line includes the “saving lost souls” weekly quest in the maw. I remember it started with saving 5 then goes all the way up to 20 souls. Maybe when we reach that point is when the first chapter gets completed.

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I have this problem after switching to Necrolord from Kyrian. It’s listed as a known problem on support, and the protocol is to contact support directly if it happens to you. I’m waiting on my ticket reply right now. Best of luck!

I just got my auto response for my GM ticket and it was useless. Still waiting for a fix for this.

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I got my daily BG win last night which for the first time since switching covenants from NF to NL, didn’t reward me with any renown.

Can someone confirm if this campaign progress being bugged actually prevents you from gaining additional renown?

Is there currently a fix for this? Making a ticket isn’t working so far as the responses are automated and unhelpful.

Having the same issue, im going to believe its a thing based on renown level as @Emarloneyy suggested. If its not can we get at least some acknowledgement of that bug or how to fix it?

I swapped my character from Night Fae, to Necro and ran into the same issue where the first chapter showed as not completed. Created a “Stuck on quest” ticket in-game, and GM was able to fix it in-game. All chapters show as complete now for me. Also linked them to this thread, hopefully they’re aware, and working on fixing it.

Can we fix this issue? I have the same quest that I can’t finish.

This is still an issue as I currently am experiencing this. Kind of sad 5 months after OP it’s still not fixed with so many reporting it.

I have same issue.

the same issue, i report this bugged open a ticket and nothing… plz blizz