Loyal to the Primus bugged after swapping covenants

6 months since the original post, still bugged.

7 months, still no fix.

holy moley , already Aug. and it;s still bugged switch from NF to Necro 2days ago. bummer and no hotfixes

I came here to report that Loyal to the Primus is bugged after switching from Night Fae. It’s only a graphical issue on the quest log, gameplay doesn’t seem to be impacted yet. I’m finishing all the other chapters in the Necrolord campaign, but the first chapter “Loyal to the Primus” shows as incomplete in the quest log.

Update: I finished the campaign and there’s no more visible issue since it doesn’t show the campaign progress anymore since it’s completed so probably doesn’t matter.

Re-Update: With Tuesday reset, the campaign chapters show up again as 8/9 complete (missing Loyal to the Primus on The Art of War campaign) and 8/9 complete (missing What Lies Ahead on the Chains of Domination campaign). I assume these will go away again each week once I complete my weekly souls quest and it’s still only a graphical issue in my quest log since I completed them all.

Any luck? I’ve completed the Chains of Domination campaign (9/9) but “Loyal to the Primus” remains incomplete. I switched from Venthyr to Necrolords like 6 months ago.
There’s supposed to be a portal from Maldraxxus to Oribos, and it’s not appearing where it should be, and I assume it’s because my Necrolords campaign is still technically incomplete.

it has been over 10 months since this thread started and i still have this issue

you get the portal to oribos through a sanctum upgrade

Sad that this is still a thing. Obviously they aren’t actually listening to community feedback or this would have been resolved long ago. It walls you out of your second soulbind.

This is really crazy. I just swapped in the past week. got to level 40 renown and it shows that chapters 2-4 are complete but not 1

Crazy i just swapped from Ven to Necro and I’m having this same issue and can’t access my conduits…

I didn’t transfer from anywhere and its not complete either. I’m still on 8/9 with loyal to the primus holding out. This type of wait seems about normal as its just that Blizz doesn’t care once you have paid your subscriptions.

Just switched to Necrolord on two of toons and its bugged for both. Stuck at 8/9.

same and cannot unlock the 3rd soulbind (bonesmith)

Same problem here…

This is strictly a visual bug. If you complete the “rescue 20 souls” quest each week, it will go away for the week, then return the next week. Annoying, but it is what it is.

The conditions for me were that I did the Necrolord campaign on another character, then when I went to do it on my main who had played and maxed other covenants, I skipped the intro stuff of the Necrolord campaign. Did the entire campaign and everything else offered at the sanctum and saw that I was missing the “Loyal to the Primus” and was 8/9. The next week, I took a recommendation in this thread that said try to complete the 20 souls quest and see if it gets you to 9/9 and sure enough it did, only for 8/9 to return the next week when the 20 souls quest was available again.

The only permanent fix I can think of is that you have to do the 20 souls quests 4 weeks in a row. When the expansion launched, the souls quest incremented each time you did. First time was 5, next time 10, next time 15, final time for a cap of 20 that week and every week after. If you look at Wowhead, the conditions for this chapter of the campaign include 4 instances of “return lost souls” and show 5, 10, 15, and 20 souls respectively. I’m wondering if I do this return lost souls quest 4 times total after each weekly reset if it will permanently fix the visual quest log bug.

I’ll follow up here if it eventually goes away for me after completing 4x souls quests.

still having the problem…

July 28, 2022. Bug / glitch is still present.