Lower Level Crest Acquisition in Awakened Season

I used Bullions to buy a OCE Trinket, its at 493 ilvl. I have been raiding actively during the Awakened season, clearing all awakened bosses on Mythic and Heroic, this is now week 5. But I’m unable to upgrade my OCE item because it requires such low level crests that I do not have, and am unable to downgrade via the vendor my heroic level crests, because i’m required to get the lower level crests first, even though I have no actual use for them beyond bullion items at this point.

Feels very clunky and awkward to have to do such non challenging filler content to upgrade the item, with the LOWEST level upgrades being the most extraneously time consuming and requiring additional effort and tasks compared to the highest ilvl upgrades.

Can we change this? I’m aware I could do M+ or something but I shouldn’t have to and its not content im interested in. I’m doing endgame content already.

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If you’re referring to the Whelpling crests. You can get a full piece of gear upgrade within about 5 minutes.
When any zone has the Dreamsurge event active, the floating green coalescence orbs around the zone give 2 whelpling crests each.

It takes a very short amount of time for 15-60 you need.

There is also a bit of a lag bug where if you fly into a Dreamsurge zone (into a green orb) - depending on your latency, you can have one of those green orbs trigger 2-12 times for a single fly through.

People have been getting full 486 sets in 10-15 minutes using this method / bug.

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Without picking up any random agility trinket at higher than 493 ilevel? There’s so many useless ones (or ones that would’ve been worth using until you bought OCE) that you could’ve taken and skipped the lower Crests.

There’s no requirement for trading down. The only requirement for Crest trading is for trading up, which requires you to no longer have upgrades available from that Crest type.

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Believe it or not there is, there’s a quest of acquiring the lower crests you have to do in order to unlock downgrading in the season. I did it and upgraded the OCE, but having to do it at all is clunky