Hey all, so I noticed over the past week or so that our realm population went from high to medium and then down to low. I recently came back towards the end of BFA to get ready for shadowlands and have leveled multiple max level toons in preparation for that. Does anyone know the reason for this? I tried asking people on the server and they said they didn’t know either. Someone said that it could’ve been due to realm merges but Kil’Jaeden wasn’t one of the realms that were merging.
It’s a little saddening to me since this has always been a highly populated server with a good and active community from what I can remember since WOTLK and I was hoping to continue with this realm through SL. If anyone has any insight please let me know!
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Even if it is a bug of some variety, and its not really a low pop server, its going to cause an exodus to Area 52. Either way, whether this label is warranted or not, this is going to be detrimental to the long term health of the server.
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We’re good.
- We have a non-existent Alliance population ~2000
- The top 14 guilds cleared in July or earlier out of 16. (Congrats Angst and Continuity for staying together for so long and getting it done)
- Kj historically dies at the end of expansions and then revives on drops.
We definitely wont be an Area52, Tich, Thrall, ZJ, Illidan, etc. type of server as we don’t have the populace or the raiding progression but at least we wont have terrible server queues if we have any at all. We’ll definitely jump back up to a med-high on launch.
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Noticed this as well, and was wondering the same things - mass exodus? merger bug? It doesn’t make sense because I see plenty of people around, and the chat channels are always active when I’m on. I hope more people come back for pre-patch and SL launch.