I haven’t pugged low end keys outside of friends in weeks/months of this expansion once I got out of it on my main. The last few weeks have made me facepalm at how miserable the experience is. EVERYONE wants to practice on your key. EVERYONE wants a carry and skip M+ lvls because they feel they’re better then that. No, no you’re not. Many have proven to suck. It’s not just a player issue, but Blizzard created problem to since they like to toss around controlling certain behaviors in their game design. M+ score and ilvl doesn’t mean anything and really hasn’t for a few expansions.
My 1 suggestion to semi fix the problem is to make it a requirement that all dungeons have to be done 1 level at a time from 1-4 before you can skip just to show that you know what you’re doing in there.
As someone that takes an alt army of toons into keys, this sounds horrendous. As it is, you can already see how many runs in a given key range players have done.
Level squish and removing push weeks were fantastic changes, IMO. However, those combined with tank/healer changes (and I’m not sure if the scaling changes for +14’s added in DF still apply to +4 and above) going into WW seem to have been a bit much for a large chunk of players.
I’ve probably failed more 2-4’s than I have 8’s, strictly because 12’s/14’s were key levels a lot of players never got close to before the squish, but they’re basically where you start out at now.
That said, I would rather fail a few low keys on my way to wherever I’m trying to get to each season than have to run 2’s, 3’, 4’s, etc. across the board for every dungeon. That’s so tedious that I would just quit doing the content. Lol
I understand that. The present issue is complex on the player and blizzard front. In my case, to build up M+ score to get accepted into groups as a random, I’ve had to do as I’ve suggested above. No one was going to help me skip a few M+ levels. Yet, as you’ve mentioned, no one is going to take anyone that hasn’t put in the work or at least give a hand up if they’re at the next level.
On the Blizzard end of it, from what I’ve gathered, the majority of the player base hover around mid-range for M+ because it’s just stressful or not seen as fun. That creates it’s own barrier of entry as the player base modifies their behavior around the difficulty of the content.
The point of all of this is that I’ve been experiencing more people showing they have the ilvl, done some work to give them a shot, after waiting an unreasonable amount of time in que, and not performing well. Sure, it’s on me for inviting less established players, but there has to be a balance between wasting time and trying to have fun.
No thanks, took all my alts from Delves to +5/6 instantly. Also for the players of this skill level you’re talking about they need to do them far more than once per level to actually learn something because most of the time they die and get carried through something and they don’t learn anything.