Low level is dead

Templates are the only thing that can save low level PvP. Blizzard just hasn’t put the effort into balancing gear, items, and spells for the lower brackets.

When WoW was built from the ground up in Classic, it was better balanced until Twinks came along

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Uh, no…lol.

The problem is players like a certain somebody who used to party sync with themselves on a second account to exploit low levels because they just can’t handle max level for some strange reason. :wink:

And no, hiding in an epic battleground premade doesn’t count as “max level pvp”.

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even then it wasn’t exploiting leveling players. as a means to avoid max level and not having to worry about doing rated content for conquest gear it worked great. the only problem with it now is keeping talents in brackets they aren’t attainable.

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There’s a certain purity when low level works, everyone used to be around the same ilvl. I use it mainly as a power check but I might find myself sticking in a bracket when the matches are good. Big difference between now and BfA, I think we’ve talked before about how they invalidated a lot of older especially crafted gear.

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Certain classes also just have much better toolkits even at low levels. The last time I pvp’d the lowbies was with an mm hunter (shocking, I know :slight_smile:). Then I tried warrior and felt completely useless.

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My warrior was awesome in low level… I want to say WoD but maybe MoP. I’d get healers so mad at me they’d sacrifice themselves just to kill me. More than once I had a stalker after I killed them. I got more hate than Raist, something about a short race I guess.

I originally meant for her to be my BG tank, I had a DK but he only tanked the AV boss in PvP.

They don’t have to try to do that. It’s the way it’s always been.

I used to be able to make do with crafted gear, it was still a grind I suppose but now it’s mostly useless. Plus all the BoE, maybe it was just easier to invalidate it than to deal with it. Heirlooms, too.

I just fooled around with low levels a bit in SL. An arms warrior in 10-19 can’t do much other than charge and hamstring, lol. You are completely owned by ranged specs.

Then I found a trick with fury where you could get double crusader enchant, which was op because it felt like being a ret paladin with Lay on Hands always off cooldown.

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so in other words you like nuking lvl 10s that are leveling instead of just playing regs. blitz or epics to earn your honor . Gross. :roll_eyes:

its no different then being level 18 vs a level 10.
i cap honor while leveling
i use some pve pieces in blitz
this is getting old

it is vastly different. level 70 vs lvl casual 10s etc
like go play 70 bgs :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :roll_eyes:

I did that with Gimme some but ended up as arms as fury was too healer dependent. I mainly liked healing low level, I felt guilty as a dps so I didn’t play them as much when I leveled.

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what about being level 70 is any different than a player level 50 or 64 syncd into 10-19? why is the 10 a casual player and not the syncd player?

why do you need someone to blame?

At least i q for endgame bgs im not party syncing into lowbie brackets i do real pvp.

party sync is just a cop out for not being able to do equal level pvp , you want rotfl stomps you want easy farms . you dont get easy farms at lvl 70 unless you run premades thats why players like you party sync . There was even a guild that brags about it on forums . Its sad .

Honestly , they need to remove party sync and or remove all honor and conquest and gold etc whatever stuff that you gain from it if they dont want to remove party sync from pvp .

Twinks were fine , it sucked but at least they were playing the game as intended. People who party sync into lowbie pvp are the worst and cant handle real pvp.

i said what i said and idc.

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april fools isn’t until monday

Nothing, they scale down to the same ilvl. The issue is a random lvler through 10-19 will almost always be behind on the gear curve. Some exceptions being a lvl 14/16 farming out full warforged wod gear or a crafted dreaful gladiator gear setup which only really puts you on par but has the added benefit of sland gemming.

I personally dont think sync queing is that big of a deal but thre is a def advantage over lvlers. None of which really matter if my suggestions higher up in the thread were in the game though lol.

I disagree. Spamming bgs in between quests in MOP as I slowly leveled was what got me into pvp in the first place without having it be information overload.

Low level pvp starting with few buttons and slowly progressing towards having your entire toolkit is a great way to teach new players how to pvp


its a big deal i believe because it killed lowbies entirely

this becomes a premade thread real fast once everyone agrees its not a gear/ilvl advantage.