Low Level BGs

Any guideance available for modern low level BGs? I enjoyed twinking at level 19 before BG XP was a thing. I already tried getting all the heirloom gear (including rings) and running low level BGs, but I’m getting one shot by some apparently “real” modern day twinks. I imagine they are turning off XP at certain levels, gearing to BIS, and then turning XP back on for BGs. Is that it? I can’t find anything on BIS gear for low levels. Keywords I’m missing for my google searches? Links, maybe?

They cant even get max level pvp or pve really into a decent state.

I think low level bgs and twinking are way down on the priority list if they are even there at all.

But no you cant que bgs now with xp off they just probably turn it off get the gear and then turn it on and leave before the game ends (i’ve seen them do it while im leveling alts)

They just grief everyone the whole game and then a minute before it ends leave in order to minimize their xp gain and maximize the # of games they get before they have to delete the character and go again.

Which is pretty cringe in of itself but yeah heirlooms alone wont do it for you turn off xp get the gear and then que.

All low level content is just so staggeringly bad idk why anyone would really want to partake in it they’ve just ignored it and made it so fast to blaze by it so you don’t notice it.

Understood. What I’m looking for is levels at which to turn off xp and lists of Bis gear (per class/spec) to obtain before turning it back on.

Try level 35 and doing mythic SoO. Then queue till 39 rinse and repeat . Its hilarious

If you want to participate and make a difference, you are going to want to gather gear at every 10 or 19, i.e 20, 40, or 29, 39. Dungeons provide some good gear, but the AH has gear as well.

Can’t remember if the bracket is divided by xp lock, I haven’t participated in this aspect of WoW in a while. If you want to steamroll as well, might as well pick up a FOTM spec.

I don’t see the point. BGs after 10-19 in retail hardly pop on the way up anyway, and as the OP has experienced it’s not even worth the bother 10-19. Blizzard could not even be bothered to update the Low level PVP vendors for gear or update for modern WOW.

Are the long queues fixed at max level in retail? Or have Blizzard ignored that too?

I left Retail to go to Classic at least the BGs are running at low level, but it’s full of twinks also who are so entitled if you go in at say level 15 give you stick.

Thank you for your opinion on this topic.

low levels bgs?

I gave it a shot. 9 min estimate. 15 min in I dropped and queued for dungeons

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its the same all the way to 70 Deso which is super ironic being that’s a twink bracket with only enough players to get one game going at a time.

remember a few months ago when you stopped by?

Yeah, that’s what the subject is about? You need some help with understanding the topic? We’re all here to help you, it can be hard to navigate forum subjects, I know. Reach out please.

I think the PVP brackets should be, if I use TWW as exemple for the expansion cap.


Then each expansion previous cap becomes the next


I really don’t care that talents are different. Short queues > Talent Balance in low lvl bracket

only active leveling bracket seems to be 70-79. 30s used to pop pretty decently but were around 30min ques while i was leveling another hunter last week. Skipped 50-60 and didnt do a single bg until the 70s bracket. Que’s just werent popping. Que times in the 70s bracket are about 5-7min