Love you all

Waroguelock we need.

Warlocks for me, Warlocks for you, I need a Warlock to help us pew pew.

looking for friends that summon demons

You can even name them whatever you want. We don’t mind.

Yo you guys are all talking about warlocks, where’s my rogue friendssss!

Rogues, Warlocks, I’ll take fifty of each.

I require addition classes of dark dealings

If we get a Warlock application tomorrow I’ll shave my head.

If we get a Warlock Application today Brutall will switch his xmog from BRF to a TransmogRoulette!

I can get behind that idea Horg. Sign me up.

so like looking for new friends

I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas Eve. Be well! LF WARLOCKS!

We still need those people.
To do the things.
And earn the things.

Be that person. <3

Happy Boxing Day! I’ll buy a Warlock for ONE BILLION DOLLARS.

All I wanted for Christmas was a Warlock app :frowning_face:

Bump in hopes a wild lock appears

How are we supposed to get to raid without a warlock?

Send more locks

locks are people too