Dagnabbit has ceased raiding as of September 2020. Good luck in Shadowlands, everyone!
Great people, great times. Come join! bump
no shamans allowed…but sure everyone else is welcome!
tacos on arrival!
All your tacos are belong to me.
Is the taco drive thru still open?
24/7, baby!
Delivery! More fresh tacos have arrived. Claim while they are hot.
I’m eating Chinese food tonight cause tacos are too far
The truly dedicated don’t determine worth by distance, because all tacos are worth the effort.
Add snow to that effort Brutall! It makes it less appealing
I’m hungry but I can’t eat until lunch tomorrow.
Are you a mythic raider? Are you good? Hey, we need you.
What shamnut said! You can replace him
Replace them ALL!
Mages! Where you be! We have tacos but we cant promise Brutall will share
Never let me heal, EVER
Its why we need a healer!
Taco Bump
We killed a boss.
we ate some cheese