Here as a tank, I mean as an Alliance tank, but a tank none the less
Taaaaaaaaaaaanks, where are yooooooooou?
o/ Tonight, I make mac n cheese
Also we want some tank bois
up we go for some tanky friends
We had a good time in raid last night.
Feral druid? You want a kitty cat? <3
how are your cuddles though?
Hello. Happy Leap Day!
you still looking for a main tank?
These hospital visits have screwed my sleep schedule so bad
Up at 7am on a weekend D:
We still looking for peeps!
Super strong and professional group here, 10/10 would recommend.
How much am I paying you to say that?
Brutall, I would like some tacos please.
Youâll get your tacos when you do some damage.
Bumpy, Bump!
I just want to be undead
Tonight, a dragon dies. Come join us dragon slayers
Hey, look, a dragon died. Cool.
Vexiona is now EXiona
gottem brutherrrrrrrr