Done right, my toon looks like an anime character.
Good, I can’t make it work myself. Hell I’m still in a heated debate with myself on getting the Twilight Sailor Set.
Visual variety is good for the game.
Human female, blond ox horn hair, no hat.
Huh… Maybe I’ll work a Human female into my Alliance Alt list.
Azerite Crystal power…make up!
I guess it’s only gold and I have plenty of that for once in my life.
this is my current mog:
I love that skirt. I wish the heart hips were attached to the belt though. It would make it A LOT easier to mesh the skirt with other mogs.
Looks wicked. <3
Don’t forget the Love Witches Rosy Staff.
Agreed. We’ve gotten some great transmog additions with the trading post!
Wonder if I ought to get the weapons from Trading post Honestly I’m debating on getting the pink fox to pair with the purple one if I get the Twilight set. Even though I most likely won’t ever use it.
I got the wands. And there’s like… a negative chance I’ll ever use those since there’s never good endgame wands.
And too bad about wands. They are handy for focusing demonology summons onto targets.
We need more girly stuff, most of the plate mogs are for dudes.
Blizzard made sure it’s basically impossible to use the thing outside of its intended set without just compromising and pretending the hearts aren’t there.
I hope they have plans to have normal pieces like that in the future and it’s not just a one-off meme.
It comes with a fox, so it’s worth it.
the hearts do disappear if you use a Lovely Gown or the AQ gowns and recent updated versions with the split sides. Not perfect, but best we have.
Alright, got the damn set. Now I have to debate with myself on getting the weapon sets and pink fox to pair and agonizing over not having enough tender.
Hm, it does work pretty well.