Love is in the Air

In every group I have been in for the holiday boss, at least one person has not been able to roll on the necklace loot. One was a guildmate who said there was just a question mark, and she was unable to pick up the quest item from the boss. One other person said that hovering over the question mark said “retrieving item information”. I have not seen this myself, just going by what I’ve been told.

Every boss kill (8 of my characters so far) has had a loot roll time out, and in chat it says that the person automatically passed because they cannot roll on that item. My guildmate had not even done the boss fight on any of her characters because she didn’t know that the event had started.

And yes, this is in Cata Classic. I haven’t tried on retail yet.


I just got the same thing twice in a row, no roll option, only see a question mark with retrieving item information.


They need to leave game and update their addons. That fixed it for me.

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I did just update addons, but did a reload and not left the game, restarting now and will try again.

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restarting the game did work for me as well.

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Its still not working for me after updating all the addons, restarting, doing a scan and fix.

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So I finally got it to work after deleting the other versions of WoW off of my PC.

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Had this issue on my first two runs of the day, then came here to see if anyone was posting about the issue.
Wanted to confirm that updating my addons and restarting the game fixed it for me. (Though not sure if updating addons did anything, or if it was just restarting WoW that fixed it)

two accounts same thing.

how do you even get to the holiday boss? do you have to be 85?

So, it is an addon issue? I mean I didn’t update my addons and ran this on 13 characters and was able to roll each time.

I wonder which addon could possibly be causing that if any.

Not an addon thing. I disabled them all and still had the bug. I fixed mine by running it on Retail then back into Cata Classic and the drops started happening

You queue up in LFG. I am pretty sure its only lvl 85, maybe 84 too