Love is in the Air dungeons

Have you guys fixed this so we can que for the dungeons yet? Someone told me no but I can’t find any information. Thanks!

We’re lucky that Blizzard even remembers to turn the power on for the servers for Cata Classic at this point.


Is the event even out yet? I thought that wasn’t until February.

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Almost Feb 2nd is when it starts and again they have it the same time as Lunar festival. I thought I’d ask so it would give them time to fix it! :joy:

Spoiler alert…most of you/us will not get love rocket. I don’t do the new name lol.

That mount has me more bitter than invisible (you will never see it,
one of retails oldest jokes lol) from ICC from retail. I’ve run a 10+ alt army there, no love.

But I do hope some actually get it really.

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hope i get the mount i have anuf alts to have a chance last brewfest i was destroying mounts since i kept geting one

Got my love rocket last year and then another one dropped in a run I did.