Love is in the Air Dungeon bugged

  1. You don’t get a reward if you finish the Dungeon. (This was already posted by someone else).
  2. If you walk in you can just summon the boss 5 times and get loot from it, just like before the Dungeon Finder update. (5 times => if you have 5 players)

Currently it’s live on the EU servers. Everytime there’s an event it’s bugged for the EU and we lose 1-2 days until it gets fixed, and we never get the event extended, it’s pretty annoying.


How is it that they have dungeon finder working pretty well in retail, it gets brought over to Wotlk classic and its questionable at best? Also day 3 of the love is in the air event, still cant queue for it via dungeon finder. We have two maintenances (tues & wed) since the event went live, and neither fixed that issue?

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What’s even more insane to me is that there were virtually no problems like this for the Hallow’s End dungeon in the group finder. Headless Horseman and Crown Chemical Co. are virtually copies of each other, I seriously don’t understand why one worked in RDF while the other doesn’t, other than sheer lack of competence.


They fired all the people doing the job.


My theory is because it never was done through RDF in WotLK originally, they never realized that they needed to update it to work with RDF. Love is in the Air 2010 happened a month before patch 3.3.3 (March 23, 2010), which is the patch that moved holiday dungeons to RDF.

So hopefully this won’t repeat with Midsummer and Brewfest, since those happened post patch 3.3.3.

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This is almost certainly where the problem likely lies. The original devs knew Cata was releasing before the end of the year, so they didn’t need to adjust the holiday until Cataclysm released.

I believe they do try to model Classic off an OG 3.3.3 client that they have, so this makes sense. They re-created it faithfully, for the worse, in this case.

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There is no reward. Period. No wonder no one is doing this boss. And they aren’t going to fix it which surprises no one.

seriously get your **** together blizz.


loot isnt working when you queue for it in cata even if you dont have the previous versions