Love is in the Air Achievement

I am working on the Love is in the Air achievement Fistful of Love and I got credit on Gnome Warlock, Tauren Druid, Draenei Paladin, and Blood Elf Mage today, but for some reason I am no longer getting credit on the achievement. I should have credit for Orc Shaman, Night elf Priest, and Human Death Knight. I have even tried 2 Night elf Priests, one at the Broken Isles Dalaran teleport location at Krasus’ Landing and one on the Vindicaar.

Same thing is happening to me after getting 6 of the 11. I’ve tried multiple times as well, only wasting the rose petals.

It has been strange, I would have them targeted, but I noticed of instead of being applied to the target, they were applied to my toon.

I wonder if it’s preventing you from ‘buffing’ players that have PVP enabled when you don’t.

If they have pvp enabled wouldn’t they have war mode on since that is now the way to separate those that prefer pvp to those that don’t because with warmode on you are phased from those that don’t have it on.

You aren’t separated in cities. If you see someone’s name in green rather than blue, they are PvP flagged.

I look in both Dalaran’s and the Vindicaar, areas both factions use. I use an addon called TidyPlates for the name plates, I don’t see green text on their name with it.

not related to your issue, but just wanted to clear up this misconception.
you don’t need to be in warmode to be flagged.
players can still flag themselves for pvp, without having warmode enabled.

This seems to be the only thread of this issue up and I hate to revive an old post, but there doesn’t seem to be a fix of it yet. With the regular petals that you can buy with love tokens, I’ve wasted nearly 30 of them and only gained credit for 3 of the character types needed. I thought maybe it was a warmode issue as suggested, but I tried it in both and on both to no avail. I went to a different character, got credit for 3 of them and then it stopped once again. I decided to try a different achievement and got the bouquet of red roses and to my surprise, it worked! I got another character off the list. Then when the 5 min cooldown came off, I was excited to finally get another when… you guessed it, I didn’t get credit. Went into a bg and used my bouquet 3 times and wasted 5 petals on the same Orc shaman.

I’ve tried it without add ons and all that jazz as well. It’s just frustrating overall that there isn’t a solution to this.

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