Love in the Air Event

With the revamped holiday event “Love in the Air” having launched today, why has it been hours that the Horde cannot progress into doing dailies? Why has the community gone unanswered in regards to what is happening with this event?

Why was this event not thoroughly tested in a PTR enviroment?

Is this what players have to look forward to in whatever this 10.2.6 patch is going to be? Will it be an “untested” thing again? What bugs can we look forward to that will ruin the experience within that patch or even other QoL things that were overlooked? (*QoL features like making it so people can’t crowd over an NPC on their massive mounts… etc)

I understand wanting to hide content due to WoWhead strip mining every little facet of this game every single time something new appears. But you need to do better with these content launches if you’re going to leave them widely untested.

What works great in a lab, often times doesn’t work well in the field. Things need to be tested in the field before sending it mainstream to the field.


Additionally to add on, Why is the main source for people to find out things that are being fixed or worked on not these official forums?

Why must a person scour thru X (twitter) or Reddit just to find some random response to some random persons “Tweet” to find answers to things going on? Why isn’t there official correspondence done within the forums, and everywhere else (X, Reddit, etc.) just a link back to that official response on these forums?