Love Boat toy broken

I can’t seem to get the Love Boat toy associated with this holiday to work regardless of the depth of the water. I know when it was first introduced there were problems with it breaking in shallow water, but now it instantly breaks upon summoning in very deep water (around 20 yards). After a few attempts then it becomes unsummonable for 30-60 seconds.


im getting the same issue. Ive been looking into this in old forums and sadly this seems like its been going on since 2017 and has not been fixed.


come oooooon blizz, fix this one for us!

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Yep. You can summon it in the ocean and move up a canal to shallow waters e.g. Suramar, but I haven’t managed to successfully summon it anywhere outside the ocean. Pretty ticked off googling the issue and finding out it’s been that way for years.


It’s like there’s always a catch when they add something cool to the game.

Here have some icecream…but it’s got a hair somewhere in there you cant see!


Same here, just got the toy and it won’t work a year later. Please fix this!!!

12 months later…


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Still not working :frowning:

Still not working :smiley:

this is so frustrating. i was looking forward to this toy so much and finally saved up to find that its been broken for years the moment i tried to summon it… ugh


You know what really floats my boat?

Not this.

Fix it pls Blizz.

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Yep, just returned to the game after a few years away, and was excited for new holiday things that I didn’t already have… only to find out that they don’t actually work. Has a sad.

I just got the love boat… and it’s broken. :frowning:

Tried on Mount Hyjal water, and it broke. COME ON.

I just spent a week farming the Love Tokens, finally got the Love Boat and then I find out about this post. Stab me in the heart why doncha …