Loud obnoxious response

It’s actually pretty telling, as to why the game went the way it did. With the recent outrage over this chat filter, lfg addon. Theres an old saying ‘the squeaky wheel gets the oil’ and it’s clear to see this vocal minority who care, far too much, about things that won’t effect them helped guide blizzard to make some of the aweful changes they’ve made over time.


No LFG addon!
Spam trade for LF1M tank, like the old Gods intended


Careful or you’ll summon Pyrofilia, who will tell you why you’re wrong and how awesome LFG is.


Meh. I’m indifferent on the matter. It’s an lfg addon. We had those during vanilla and it got used a lot. The people that are blowing up over it are doing so on a basis that doesn’t apply or that is not relevant at all.
You still have to lfg
You still have to talk to them
You still have to group with them

The only difference is that some parts are automated. How is that so dangerous to the game?
Do you want to break auction addons too?
What about quest addons?
What about bag sorting addons?
What about mail addons?
All of these examples have automated functions too. Yet I see no clamor or uprising over these.
You can’t pick and choose like that otherwise you’re just nitpicking for the sake of having something to complain about.


Lol, alot of the changes that have occured were never or almost never bought up as a point of contention in the forum’s.

You do not understand.

Auto queue was shouted loudly down as never happening. Social game, you must form a group.

It happened.

Same with mass looting, multipul raid difficulties, death knights, demon hunters, hero classes, cod on the launcher, cash shop, mount sales, flying restrictions, legos for all and many more.


Is this a real person or just a play off of my name? Lol

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Lol, no it’s a real person. They post a lot in threads about LFG. Either they wrote ClassicLFG or is just really really into it.


Inb4 Somolia or whatever the character is who thinks LFG addon is amazing.


I also am indifferent on the matter…I have no plans on using it but I dont care that others will be…

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There has been a new hot outrage over something every day. This is just the latest hotness.


Predictions on what tomorrow will bring? :thinking:

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Actually you are wrong sorry i played vanilla on multiple servers and i never saw in trade chat a lfg addon or any body talking about it. So stop making stuff up that isn’t true.


Haha that’s funny, I wanted to start a pool yesterday to see what today’s outrage could be. I wouldn’t have guessed this one so I’ll probably be way off for tomorrow’s.

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Just because you didn’t see or use it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or exist. I know perception is reality but you’re taking it a little far there.


Hey heldunder :wink: - 100% correct on post - its very interesting to me that trolls went from funny pranksters to negative tools that argue illogically and insult you for being wrong without providing any evidence or reasoning behind their argument.

No wonder B doesnt know who to listen to so they start listening to streamers. I used to think streamers were the problem, now i see they are less wrong than the forums…

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You forget the skeleton outrage of 2019.


Just as a thought experiment: do you guys think this addon would’ve been praised back in vanilla? Back then, people had no idea what these sorts of qol “improvements” would do to the game, so I’m guessing more people would’ve been okay with it.

But now that we do know, people are more weary as to the possible consequences this could have.

So glad I have no idea what’s going on here.

No im not mad nor trying to argue. Its just seems like all the retail players are trying to add more and more stuff to classic just to ruin the experience for the people who want a true classic experience and i dont really care about the other addons its just the lfg addon it would ruin the game.


Not advocating for LFG but this would have been praised back in Vanilla. Addons were being developed and updated constantly. It would have been a matter of time before someone developed the very thing people are outraged over today. That being said, I will not be using this Addon b/c I do not believe it will improve the QoL of Classic as it is. I played Vanilla without. I will do the same for Classic.