Lots of blatant racism in the community

Maybe but most players I meet are not. And if you are my age then you sure as heck do not reflect that.

Hey that ban is 10x faster than their ticket response time


Age doesn’t determine your mindset sir.

Your upbringing dose.

Random strangers being obnoxious, has ruined the game for you? Makes me doubt your claim that you were on the internet 20 years ago, and I already know that you were not playing an 18 year old game, 20 years ago.

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wish I could say the community is better but it’s honestly the same. Instead of a bunch of teenagers behaving like this it’s adults.

Warcraft is older than 18 years.

Wow may not be, But Warcraft is.

Did you know they made an Rts game out of Wow??
That’s you
 You sound like that.

Also ruined and ruining are two different things please understand the post that you’re commenting on before you reply to it.

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Sounds like a you problem tbh

Always has been.

Just report and move on though. Like, I get you want to dear diary this, but, we literally can not do anything.


I feel you, I understand what you’re saying. but I also don’t really expect anybody on here to do anything.

I’m just telling my story

Yes we all know.

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People are getting muted rn at higher rates than ever in WoW’s history

It’s not that I won’t/wouldn’t believe you
 But you got some sauce on that?

Was there a post I missed?

If you see someone doing something wrong and you do nothing about it, you’re no better than them.

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what u want us to do then? lol

The prepatch where mass amounts of people got suspended?

Also not everyone goes to the forums. I got the zucc for spamming ratJAM with other chads in /1 on launch, and the boomers got mad because how dare people talk in the social game and have fun in a game that’s supposed to be fun in a channel that they can leave at any moment with no negative ramifications at all to their party or group.

You not reporting, whether they “go through or not” is just as bad as the posters saying what they said. You can’t complain about a failing system if you do nothing to help the system work. Blizzard has always been reactionary. One would think a “over 20 years of playing” blizzard veteran would know this.

Can you write that in an email to blizzard. I’m sure they will follow through when they hear your ground breaking thoughts on this.

I don’t pay a sub to police thier game. And neither should you.

Did you know most modern MMOs even old MMOs such as RuneScape have ways to monitor track and ban profanity used as such.

nah to be fair people who talk in twitch emotes should get banned


to be fair people over 45 should garden and get off wow.


ok so you’re 44 and still using twitch emotes? thats kinda weird man


26 lmao, what a weird insult.

Sorry you’re afraid of pictures.