Lothos Riftwaker

So i was watching some vanilla wow videos while i was supposed to be working today lol. They were talking about Lothos Riftwaker, the NPC that teleport’s you to MC. According to wowhead he wasn’t added until So will he be there when classic launches? Or will we have to wait until a later phase? If so does that mean every wipe we have to do a lava run lol?

1.12. So expect him to be there. You should still be able to jump through the window if you wish. But if it’s like it was in vanilla it won’t work half the time.


Or if you’re a tauren, you might not fit half the time.


Lothos was given the ability to teleport us because regularly we would jump out the window, land in lava and die. Which is pretty bad if you’ve spent 40 minutes gathering world buffs beforehand.

Also, a couple of corrections:

  • Lothos Riftwalker was added in 1.3.0. Don’t believe WoWHead for any patch additions prior to about 2.3.
  • Originally you had to go through the window. Taurens had great trouble, and often used Deviate Fish or World Enlargers just to fit.
  • Around patch 1.4 or 1.5, they added the ability to just talk to him due to the window issues. Many people still jumped through the window.

Ya with their progressive itemization answer, it makes me wonder if quests like the MC Attunement will be there in a later phase?

I’d presume the attunment and porting feature will exist in the 1.12 state. Getting 8 Lava Jump runs going and pulling in replacements halfway through the same way would be miserable, but it would definitely make it harder lol.

The attunement is a system. Also, it was added in the equivalent of CP2, and BRD will be capped at 5 players from the start.

Without the attunement, there’s no way for a raid group to get to MC in CP1.

Everything on WoWhead is no earlier than 1.11, since that’s when WoWhead was created and the database uses that patch for everything that existed at the time of creation. Only stuff added later has it’s appropriate patch.


They have yet to specify about this yet.

Was going to say this. It’s quite misleading.

Systems will be 1.12 from the outset, thus BRD will be 5, UBRS will be 10 etc. BWL and MC attunements are required because otherwise you can’t get everyone through the prelude dungeon.

They asked our opinion on the matter waaaay back and have yet to mention what they decided. Concluding that it would be 1.12 at this point is more likely, but stating the opposite wouldn’t be unfounded.

You haven’t been keeping up with current blue posts then. Its 1.12. They’ve said it over and over again.

Literally they want us to be able to expect what they’ll do. And that expectation is BRD is 5 man, and Lothos Riftwalker will exist.


I thought I read that they were going to call it a theoretical patch “1.13” (even though it didn’t exist). Is that just something I dreamt up? Anyone?

Not that it really matters. It’ll be pretty much 1.12 anyhow, mechanics wise.

Warlock summons. But yeah im assuming the attunement and teleport will be there

The “patch number” is 1.13. That’s confirmed, because it has to be different from an existing patch release number. But the content will be what 1.12 was, reworked on new architecture.

I imagine that we’ll also see 1.14 (CP2) 1.15 (CP3) etc.

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Can’t summon people into instances from outside in Classic.

Did not remember that.