I joined Blessing in late Vanilla (Thaddius Kill) and raided with them up to Lady Vashj in TBC.
Can confirm that I still play with multiple people from Blessing including the old raid leader.
I joined Blessing in late Vanilla (Thaddius Kill) and raided with them up to Lady Vashj in TBC.
Can confirm that I still play with multiple people from Blessing including the old raid leader.
Wilkz - NE Rogue
Anyone from Black Watch or Redefined still alive?
Also, would be a blast from the past if Spike the Troll hunter was still around - Lot of memories around SS/TM leveling at launch
Lothar from day one until forever, gnome rogue warrior mage, luktar bringthepain belowzero respectively. I can’t believe how many of your names i remember. Global Army, Kindred Chaos are the most notable guilds i remember being in. I had many tryouts for others as I was still young and so so immature. Looking forward to another go at classic, hope to see you all there!
Nevred or Veliya? We were probably in around the same time if you were there for Thaddius.
I never raided that much with blessing (wen’t casual around the time it was formed) but spent a few years with the tag and remember both of you. I think Nevred still plays, haven’t seen Veliya in forever.
Night Elf Priest - Drakkett
Human Paladin - Strall
Gnome Mage - Fizzlebub
Guild Leader of Global Army and Contempt. Had some great times raiding MC, BWL and AQ with Contempt. GA was much more casual, but guild chat was a blast when leveling!
@Mtruck Weren’t you in KoMD? I lost track of them but some great folks there! We partnered up with them for raids for a while. Still get PTSD when I remember Vierna trying to assign Garr tank and warlock targets. lol
Aszhalinde, night elf druid. Love seeing all the familiar faces here; wish I’d gotten to know more of you.
If there are any old-school Might members out there, get in touch with me or Flu if you want to come hang out when classic launches.
Also interested to know if Felora, Shinji, Dandelion, or anyone else from the old Alliance druid channel is still out there.
Human Paladin
Looking for my high school buddies.
Lol, for some reason you were the first person who I thought of I might find here.
I think it’s time for that old raiding duo we never made. Bring back the top 2 raid leaders ftw
I wonder if Shinji’s still around
I joined Blessing towards the end of Vanilla. Raided with them in BC, I vaguely remember you Tristi. I remember Mtruck, Nevred, Veliya, Holyjady?, Spongey, Callopo and a few others. Apolder- Fire Mage
I started off on Lothar in 2005, 1st guild was Sacred Order of the Dragon then The Unbound. I played a Mage called Apolder. Hoping to reconnect with some Unbound members
Looking for Redefine members. Contesa here still playing as Tesapoo and Tesatoo. WRU Rapture?
Veliya is the one.
Yes I was, @Drakkett
Was in KoMD for just about all of Vanilla until the end when I joined Blessing. It’s weird to think how we’re all a bunch of old people now. I was in my early 20’s then but…that was 14 years ago
Apolder! Of course I remember you. I still raid with Veliya (he’s now married to holyjady btw but she does not play). Saloo is also in my guild.
Sadly Callopo passed away about 7 or 8 years ago.
I have the memory of a gold fish, but were you either a night elf tank or fury warrior?
I think Esox was the fury warrior, haven’t seen that dude in forever.
Looks as though Blizzard has released their list of servers, the original servers won’t be on them. I’ll be going to Herod (PVP) EST